As share of a research group which began in the fall of 2007, founding members ofAcross the doorway : creativity, Being and Healing, Duke University Dance Program Director, Keval Kaur Khalsa and Associate Professor of the Practice, Ava LaVonne Vinesett presented in Salvador district attorney Bahía, Brasil from October 3-8, 2011 for the CRIATIVIDADE, SER E CURA conference, a collaborative event sponsored by the Federal University of Bahia Graduate Program of Performing Arts ( PPGAC/UFBA ; Salvador, BA ), the Duke University Dance Program ( Durham, NC, USA ), and the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine Program in Integrative Medicine ( Chapel Hill, NC, USA ) .
The root of the event focused on creativity and our surroundings as factors integrating homo beings with society and the environment in a cross-cultural and bodily curative context .
Across the brink : creativity, Being and Healing is designed to explore areas deoxyadenosine monophosphate divers as dance, medicine, nursing, anthropology, history and music, and join scholars and practitioners from these to investigate the transformative paths humans have discovered/created through performance, spiritual/religious/ritual practices, and healing practices. In association with II Encontro de Estudos em Movimento, and the IV Seminários Transculturais Sobre Teatro e Dança, and under the guidance of Ciane Fernandes ( UFBA ), the event took put in multiple spaces throughout Salvador including the Martim Gonçalves Theater ( School of Theater UFBA ), the Brazil-Germany Institute of Culture Theater, the João Augusto Room, the Vila Velha Theater, and The Museum of Modern Art of Bahía Sculpture Park. Altogether the gain consisted of a four member round table, 12 clear sessions, and an integrated workshop and open to the public presentation .
Along with Khalsa ( Kundalini yogeda ) and Vinesett ( west African dance ), two other members of the North Carolina based Across the threshold : creativity, Being and Healing research group, Richenel “ Muz ” Ansano of Curacao and Vera Moura of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine Program in Integrative Medicine, and artists/therapists specializing in areas adenine diverse as Bodywork, Interart research, healing and performance, circle dances, theater-body cross-cultural department of education, art / music therapy, and practitioners with alone works internationally, and two portuguese speakers, experts in cross-cultural migration and learn, all teach workshops and/or participated in round table discussions.
The stress of study – body movement – integrate diverse areas inquiry including the arts, health, communication, anthropology, sociology, neuroscience, department of education, sports, everyday life and of class nature itself. Movement is present in all these approaches and context, assuring us that we all have something in common, rich in complexity and remainder.
Read more: S.S. Lazio
Read more: Wikipedia
CRIATIVIDADE, SER E CURA is a collaborative consequence between the Federal University of Bahia Graduate Program of Performing Arts ( PPGAC/UFBA ; Salvador, BA ), the Duke University Dance Program ( Durham, NC, USA ), and the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine Program in Integrative Medicine ( Chapel Hill, NC, USA ). II Encontro de Estudos em Movimento, in association with the Across the Threshold : creativity, Being, and Healing ’ s one-fourth international symposium, and the IV Seminários Transculturais Sobre Teatro e Dança, will convene in Salvador district attorney Bahía from October 3-8, 2011. The consequence will take position in multiple spaces throughout Salvador including the Martim Gonçalves Theater ( School of Theater UFBA ), the Brazil-Germany Institute of Culture Theater, the João Augusto Room, the Vila Velha Theater, The Museum of Modern Art of Bahía Sculpture Park ( TBD ). Altogether the gain will consist of 3 round tables, 12 open sessions, and an integration of workshops and an open to the public presentation .
Across the threshold : creativity, Being and Healing is the consequence of ongoing meetings between members of a research group at Duke University in areas adenine divers as dance, medicate, nurse, anthropology, history and music. Of these, we have five members, one of Curacao / Caribbean, teaching workshops and participating in roundtables, with specialties a divers as classical music indian dance, Kundalini yoga, west african dance and Integrative Medicine. In addition, we have four other artists/therapists specializing in Bodywork, Interart inquiry, healing and performance, and practitioners with unique works internationally, and two portuguese speakers experts in cross-cultural migration and teach. In Brazil, we specialize in circle dances, and theater-body cross-cultural education, and art / music therapy.
The root of the event focuses on creativity and our surroundings as factors integrating human beings with society and the environment in a cross-cultural and and bodily bring around context. Our focus of cogitation – body motion – incorporates diverse areas inquiry including the arts, health, communication, anthropology, sociology, neuroscience, education, sports, everyday life and of course nature itself. Movement is present in all these approaches and context, assuring us that we all have something in coarse, paradoxically full-bodied in multiplicities and differences .
Click here for more information : WWW.ESTUDOS-EM-MOVIMENTO.BLOGSPOT.COM