municipality in Southeast, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro ( ; Portuguese : [ ˈχiw five hundred ( ʒi ) ʒɐˈne ( j ) ɾu ] ( ) ; [ 6 ] ), or simply Rio, [ 7 ] is the second-most populous city in Brazil and the sixth-most populous in the Americas. Rio de Janeiro is the capital of the country of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ‘s third-most populous state, after São Paulo and Minas Gerais. depart of the city has been designated as a World Heritage Site, named “ Rio de Janeiro : Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea ”, on 1 July 2012 as a cultural Landscape. [ 8 ]
Reading: Rio de Janeiro
Founded in 1565 by the Portuguese, the city was initially the seat of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro, a sphere of the Portuguese Empire. In 1763, it became the capital of the State of Brazil, a state of the Portuguese Empire. In 1808, when the Portuguese Royal Court moved to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro became the seat of the court of Queen Maria I of Portugal. She subsequently, under the leadership of her son the prince regent João VI of Portugal, raised Brazil to the dignity of a kingdom, within the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and Algarves. Rio remained as the capital of the pluricontinental portuguese monarchy until 1822, when the War of brazilian Independence began. This is one of the few instances in history that the das kapital of a colonize country formally shifted to a city in one of its colonies. Rio de Janeiro subsequently served as the das kapital of the freelancer monarchy, the Empire of Brazil, until 1889, and then the capital of a republican Brazil until 1960 when the capital was transferred to Brasília. Rio de Janeiro has the second largest municipal GDP in the state, [ 9 ] and 30th largest in the world in 2008. [ 10 ] This is estimated at about R $ 343 billion ( closely US $ 201 billion ). It is headquarters to brazilian anoint, mine, and telecommunications companies, including two of the country ‘s major corporations – Petrobras and Vale – and Latin America ‘s largest telemedia conglomerate, Grupo Globo. The home of many universities and institutes, it is the second-largest concentrate of research and development in Brazil, accounting for 17 percentage of national scientific output according to 2005 data. [ 11 ] Despite the high perception of crime, the city actually has a lower incidence of crime than most submit capitals in Brazil. [ 12 ] Rio de Janeiro is one of the most inflict cities in the Southern Hemisphere and is known for its natural settings, Carnival, samba, bossa nova, and balneario beaches [ 13 ] such as Barra district attorney Tijuca, Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon. In addition to the beaches, some of the most celebrated landmarks include the colossus statue of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado mountain, named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World ; Sugarloaf Mountain with its cable car ; the Sambódromo ( Sambadrome ), a permanent grandstand-lined parade avenue which is used during Carnival ; and Maracanã Stadium, one of the world ‘s largest football stadiums. Rio de Janeiro was the host of the 2016 Summer Olympics and the 2016 Summer Paralympics, making the city the first gear South american and Portuguese-speaking city to always host the events, and the third gear time the Olympics were held in a Southern Hemisphere city. [ 14 ] The Maracanã Stadium held the finals of the 1950 and 2014 FIFA World Cups, the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup, and the XV Pan American Games .
history [edit ]
Founding of Rio de Janeiro on 1 March 1565
de facto capital of the Convento de Santo Antônio (Convent of St. Anthony), c. 1816 Rio de Janeiro, thencapital of the Portuguese Empire, as seen from the terrace of the ( Convent of St. Anthony ), c. 1816
Pre-Colonial period [edit ]
The region of Rio was inhabited by the Tupi, Puri, Botocudo and Maxakalí peoples. [ 15 ]
colonial period [edit ]
Europeans first base encountered Guanabara Bay on 1 January 1502 ( hence Rio de Janeiro, “ January River ” ), by a portuguese expedition under explorer Gaspar de Lemos, master of a embark in Pedro Álvares Cabral ‘s evanesce, or under Gonçalo Coelho. [ 16 ] allegedly the Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucci participated as perceiver at the invitation of King Manuel I in the same expedition. In 1555, one of the islands of Guanabara Bay, now called Villegagnon Island, was occupied by 500 french colonists under the french admiral Nicolas Durand de Villegaignon. consequently, Villegagnon built Fort Coligny on the island when attempting to establish the France Antarctique colony. finally this french village became excessively much of a threat to the established Portuguese colony and in 1560 the order was made to get rid of them. A years hanker military aggression was then initiated by the newfangled Governor General of Brazil Mem De Sa, and subsequently continued by his nephew Estacio De Sa. On 20 January 1567, a concluding get the better of was imposed on the french forces and they were decisively expelled from Brazil for good. The city of Rio de Janeiro proper was founded on 1 March 1565 by the Portuguese, led by Estácio de Sá, including Antônio de Mariz [ platinum ]. It was named São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, in award of St. Sebastian, the enshrine who was the namesake and patron of the portuguese then-monarch Sebastião. Rio de Janeiro was the name of Guanabara Bay. Until early in the eighteenth hundred, the city was threatened or invaded by several largely french pirates and buccaneers, such as Jean-François Duclerc and René Duguay-Trouin. [ 17 ] In the late seventeenth hundred, however during the Sugar Era, the Bandeirantes discovered gold and diamonds in the neighbor captainship of Minas Gerais, frankincense Rio de Janeiro became a much more practical port for exporting wealth ( gold, cute stones, besides the carbohydrate ) than Salvador, Bahia, much farther northeast. On 27 January 1763, [ 18 ] the colonial government in Portuguese America was moved from Salvador to Rio de Janeiro. The city remained primarily a colonial capital until 1808, when the Portuguese royal family and most of the consort Lisbon nobles, fleeing from Napoleon ‘s invasion of Portugal, moved to Rio de Janeiro .
portuguese court and imperial capital [edit ]
The kingdom ‘s capital was transferred to the city, which, thus, became the entirely european capital outside of Europe. As there was no physical space or urban structure to accommodate hundreds of noblemen who arrived on the spur of the moment, many inhabitants were simply evicted from their homes. [ 19 ] In the foremost ten, respective educational establishments were created, such as the Military Academy, the Royal School of Sciences, Arts and Crafts and the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, equally well as the National Library of Brazil – with the largest collection in Latin America [ 20 ] – and The Botanical Garden. The first print newspaper in Brazil, the Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro, came into circulation during this period. [ 21 ] When Brazil was elevated to Kingdom in 1815, it became the capital of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves until the render of the Portuguese Royal Family to Lisbon in 1821, but remained as capital of the Kingdom of Brazil. [ 22 ] From the colonial period until the first freelancer earned run average, Rio de Janeiro was a city of slaves. There was a bombastic inflow of african slaves to Rio de Janeiro : in 1819, there were 145,000 slaves in the captainship. In 1840, the number of slaves reached 220,000 people. [ 23 ] Between 1811 and 1831, 500,000 to a million slaves arrived in Rio de Janeiro through Valongo Wharf, which is now a World Heritage Site. [ 24 ] The Port of Rio de Janeiro was the largest port of slaves in America. [ 25 ] When Prince Pedro proclaimed the independence of Brazil in 1822, he decided to keep Rio de Janeiro as the capital of his new empire while the topographic point was enriched with carbohydrate cane agribusiness in the Campos region and, particularly, with the fresh coffee cultivation in the Paraíba Valley. [ 22 ] In order to separate the province from the capital of the Empire, the city was converted in Neutral Municipality in 1834, passing the province of Rio de Janeiro to have Niterói as capital. [ 22 ]
Botafogo Bay in 1869
Botafogo Bay in 1889 As a political center of the state, Rio concentrated the political-partisan life of the Empire. It was the main stage of the abolitionist and republican movements in the last half of the nineteenth hundred. [ 22 ] At that time the number of slaves was drastically reduced and the city was developed, with modern drains, animal streetcar, train stations crossing the city, natural gas and electric lighting, telephone and cable electrify, water system and river plumb. [ 22 ] Rio continued as the capital of Brazil after 1889, when the monarchy was replaced by a democracy. On 6 February 1889 the Bangu Textile Factory was founded, with the name of Industrial Progress Company of Brazil ( Companhia Progresso Industrial do Brasil ). The factory was formally opened on 8 March 1893, in a complex with varying architectural styles like Italianate, Neo-Gothic and a column in Mansard Roof style. After the open in 1893, workers from Great Britain arrived in Bangu to work in the fabric factory. The old farms became worker villages with red-bricks houses, and a neo-gothic church was created, which hush exists as the Saint Sebastian and Saint Cecilia Parish Church. Street cinema and cultural buildings besides appeared. In May 1894, Thomas Donohoe, a british worker from Busby, Scotland, arrived in Bangu. [ 26 ] Donohoe was horrified to discover that there was absolutely no cognition of football among Brazilians. thus he wrote to his wife, Elizabeth, asking her to bring a football when she joined him. And concisely after her arrival, in September 1894, the foremost football match in Brazil took rate in the field beside the fabric factory. It was a five-a-side equal between british workers, and took seat six months before the beginning game organized by Charles Miller in São Paulo. however, the Bangu Football Club was not formally created until 1904. [ 27 ]
republican period [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro, ca.1910s
The Sugarloaf cable car between the 1940s and 1950s
A convoy of tanks along the streets of the city in 1968 during the military rule. At the meter, Rio de Janeiro was a city state, capital of Guanabara At the time Brazil ‘s Old Republic was established, the city lacked urban planning and sanitation, which helped spread several diseases, such as chicken fever, dysentery, smallpox, tuberculosis and even black death. Pereira Passos, who was named mayor in 1902, imposed reforms to modernize the city, demolishing the cortiços where most of the poor population lived. These people, by and large descendants of slaves, then moved to live in the city ‘s hills, creating the first favelas. [ 28 ] Inspired by the city of Paris, Passos built the Municipal Theatre, the National Museum of Fine Arts and the National Library in the city ‘s center ; brought electric power to Rio and created larger avenues to adapt the city to automobiles. [ 29 ] Passos besides named Dr. Oswaldo Cruz as Director General of Public Health. Cruz ‘s plans to clean the city of diseases included compulsory inoculation of the stallion population and storm entrance into houses to kill mosquitos and rats. The people of the city rebelled against Cruz ‘s policy, in what would be known as the Vaccine Revolt. [ 30 ]
In 1910, Rio saw the Revolt of the Lash, where Afro-Brazilian crew members in the brazilian Navy mutinied against the big use of bodily punishment, which was similar to the punishment slaves received. The mutineers took control of the battleship Minas Geraes and threatened to fire on the city. Another military disgust occurred in 1922, the 18 of the Copacabana Fort disgust, a parade against the Old Republic ‘s coronelism and café com leite politics. This disgust marked the begin of Tenentism, a motion that resulted in the brazilian Revolution of 1930 that started the Vargas Era. Until the early years of the twentieth century, the city was largely limited to the neighborhood now known as the historic city center ( see below ), on the sass of Guanabara Bay. The city ‘s center of gravity began to shift confederacy and west to the alleged Zona Sul ( South Zone ) in the early separate of the twentieth hundred, when the first gear burrow was built under the mountains between Botafogo and the region that is now known as Copacabana. expansion of the city to the north and south was facilitated by the consolidation and electrification of Rio ‘s streetcar transportation system organization after 1905. [ 31 ] Botafogo ‘s natural environment, combined with the fame of the Copacabana Palace Hotel, the luxury hotel of the Americas in the 1930s, helped Rio to gain the reputation it still holds today as a beach party town. This reputation has been slightly tarnished in holocene years by favela ferocity resulting from the narcotics deal and militia. [ 32 ] Plans for moving the state ‘s capital city from Rio de Janeiro to the center of Brazil had been occasionally discussed, and when Juscelino Kubitschek was elected president in 1955, it was partially on the strength of promises to build a new capital. [ 33 ] Though many thought that it was merely campaign rhetoric, Kubitschek managed to have Brasília and a raw Federal District built, at great cost, by 1960. On 21 April of that year, the capital of Brazil was formally moved to Brasília. The territory of the former Federal District became its own state of matter, Guanabara, after the bay that borders it to the east, encompassing merely the city of Rio de Janeiro. After the 1964 coup d’état that installed a military dictatorship, the city state was the only state left in Brazil to oppose the military. then, in 1975, a presidential decree known as “ The Fusion ” removed the city ‘s federative condition and merged it with the State of Rio de Janeiro, with the city of Rio de Janeiro replacing Niterói as the state ‘s das kapital, and establishing the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region. [ 34 ] In 1992, Rio hosted the Earth Summit, a United Nations conference to fight environmental abasement. Twenty years belated, in 2012, the city hosted another conference on sustainable exploitation, named United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. The city hosted the World Youth Day in 2013, the second World Youth Day in South America and first in Brazil. In the sports field, Rio de Janeiro was the host of the 2007 Pan American Games and the 2014 FIFA World Cup Final. On 2 October 2009, the International Olympic Committee announced that Rio de Janeiro would host the 2016 Olympic Games and the 2016 Paralympic Games, beating competitors Chicago, Tokyo, and Madrid. The city became the beginning south american city to host the event and the second latin american city ( after Mexico City in 1968 ) to host the Games .
Rio de Janeiro at night in 2013 .
geography [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro is on the army for the liberation of rwanda western part of a clean of Brazil ‘s Atlantic seashore ( between a strait east to Ilha Grande, on the Costa Verde, and the Cabo Frio ), close to the Tropic of Capricorn, where the shoreline is oriented east–west. Facing largely south, the city was founded on an inlet of this stretch of the coast, Guanabara Bay ( Baía de Guanabara ), and its entrance is marked by a luff of land called Sugar Loaf ( Pão de Açúcar ) – a “ calling card ” of the city. [ 35 ] The center ( Centro ), the core of Rio, lies on the plains of the westerly prop up of Guanabara Bay. The greater parcel of the city, normally referred to as the North Zone ( Zona Norte, Rio de Janeiro [ platinum ] ), extends to the northwest on plains composed of marine and continental sediments and on hills and several rocky mountains. The South Zone ( Zona Sul ) of the city, reaching the beaches fringing the outdoors ocean, is cut off from the center and from the North Zone by coastal mountains. These mountains and hills are offshoots of the Serra do Mar to the northwest, the ancient gneiss-granite batch chain that forms the southern slopes of the brazilian Highlands. The large West Zone ( Zona Oeste ), long cut off by the mountainous terrain, had been made more easily accessible to those on the South Zone by new roads and tunnels by the end of the twentieth century. [ 36 ] The population of the city of Rio de Janeiro, occupying an area of 1,182.3 square kilometers ( 456.5 sq nautical mile ), [ 37 ] is about 6,000,000. [ 38 ] The population of the greater metropolitan sphere is estimated at 11–13.5 million. Residents of the city are known as cariocas. The official song of Rio is “ Cidade Maravilhosa “, by composer André Filho .
Parks [edit ]
The city has parks and ecological reserves such as the Tijuca National Park, the world ‘s first urban forest and UNESCO Environmental Heritage and Biosphere Reserve ; Pedra Branca State Park, which houses the highest point of Rio de Janeiro, the peak of Pedra Branca ; the Quinta district attorney Boa Vista complex ; the Botanical Garden ; [ 39 ] Rio ‘s Zoo ; Parque Lage ; and the Passeio Público, the first public park in the Americas. [ 40 ] In addition the Flamengo Park is the largest landfill in the city, extending from the kernel to the south zone, and containing museums and monuments, in addition to much vegetation .
environment [edit ]
due to the high concentration of industries in the metropolitan region, the city has faced dangerous problems of environmental pollution. The Guanabara Bay has lost mangrove areas and suffers from residues from domestic and industrial sewage, oils and heavy metals. Although its waters renew when they reach the sea, the bay is the final liquidator of all the tributaries generated along its banks and in the basins of the many rivers and streams that flow into it. The levels of particulate topic in the vent are twice equally gamey as that recommended by the World Health Organization, in separate because of the big numbers of vehicles in circulation. [ 41 ] The waters of Sepetiba Bay are slowly following the path traced by Guanabara Bay, with sewage generated by a population of the arrange of 1.29 million inhabitants being released without treatment in streams or rivers. With respect to industrial contamination, highly toxic wastes, with high concentrations of heavy metals – chiefly zinc and cadmium – have been dumped over the years by factories in the industrial districts of Santa Cruz, Itaguaí and Nova Iguaçu, constructed under the supervision of State policies. [ 42 ] The Marapendi lagoon and the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon have suffered with the lenience of the authorities and the growth in the number of apartment buildings close by. The illegal discharge of sewage and the attendant deaths of alge diminished the oxygenation of the waters, causing pisces deathrate. [ 43 ] [ 44 ] There are, on the other hand, signs of decontamination in the lagoon made through a public-private partnership established in 2008 to ensure that the lagoon waters will finally be suitable for bathing. The decontamination actions involve the transfer of sludge to large craters present in the lagoon itself, and the initiation of a newfangled lineal and belowground connection with the ocean, which will contribute to increase the casual water exchange between the two environments. however, during the Olympics the lagoon hosted the row competitions and there were numerous concerns about potential infection resulting from homo sewage. [ 45 ]
Panorama of the city of Rio de Janeiro highlighting the mountains of Corcovado ( left ), Sugarloaf ( center, backdrop ) and Two Brothers ( veracious ), from the Chinese Belvedere
climate [edit ]
view of Rio de Janeiro from Niterói Rio has a tropical savanna climate ( Aw ) that closely borders a tropical monsoon climate ( Am ) according to the Köppen climate classification, and is frequently characterized by long periods of heavy rain between December and March. [ 46 ] The city experiences hot, humid summers, and warm, cheery winters. In inland areas of the city, temperatures above 40 °C ( 104 °F ) are common during the summer, though rarely for long periods, while maximum temperatures above 27 °C ( 81 °F ) can occur on a monthly basis. Along the coast, the breeze, blowing inshore and offshore, moderates the temperature. Because of its geographic situation, the city is often reached by cold fronts advancing from Antarctica, specially during fall and winter, causing patronize weather changes. In summer there can be strong rains, which have, on some occasions, provoked catastrophic floods and landslides. The cragged areas register greater rain since they constitute a barrier to the humid wreathe that comes from the Atlantic. [ 47 ] The city has had rare frosts in the past. Some areas within Rio de Janeiro state occasionally have falls of bamboozle grains and ice pellets ( popularly called granizo ) and hail. [ 48 ] [ 49 ] [ 50 ] Drought is very rare, albeit apprenticed to happen occasionally given the city ‘s powerfully seasonal worker tropical climate. The brazilian drought of 2014–2015, most severe in the Southeast Region and the worst in decades, affected the stallion metropolitan region ‘s water supply ( a diversion from the Paraíba do Sul River to the Guandu River is a major reservoir for the state ‘s most populous mesoregion ). There were plans to divert the Paraíba do Sul to the Sistema Cantareira ( Cantareira system ) during the urine crisis of 2014 in order to help the critically drought-stricken Greater São Paulo area. however, handiness of sufficient rain to supply tap water to both metropolitan areas in the future is merely inquisitive. [ 51 ] [ 52 ] [ 53 ] roughly in the same suburb ( Nova Iguaçu and surrounding areas, including parts of Campo Grande and Bangu ) that represent to the placement of the March 2012, February–March 2013 and January 2015 pseudo-hail ( granizo ) falls, there was a crack -like phenomenon in January 2011, for the foremost time in the region ‘s record history, causing morphologic damage and durable blackouts, but no fatalities. [ 54 ] [ 55 ] The World Meteorological Organization has advised that Brazil, particularly its southeast region, must be prepared for increasingly austere weather occurrences in the about future, since events such as the catastrophic January 2011 Rio de Janeiro floods and mudslides are not an sequester phenomenon. In early May 2013, winds registering above 90 kilometers per hour ( 56 miles per hour ) caused blackouts in 15 neighborhoods of the city and three surrounding municipalities, and killed one person. [ 56 ] Rio saw similarly high winds ( about 100 km/h ( 62 miles per hour ) ) in January 2015. [ 57 ] The average annual minimal temperature is 21 °C ( 70 °F ), [ 58 ] the average annual utmost temperature is 27 °C ( 81 °F ), [ 59 ] and the average annual temperature is 24 °C ( 75 °F ). [ 60 ] The average annual precipitation is 1,069 millimeter ( 42.1 in ). [ 61 ]
temperature besides varies according to elevation, outdistance from the coast, and type of vegetation or land function. During the winter, cold fronts and dawn/morning sea breezes bring meek temperatures ; coldness fronts, the Intertropical Convergence Zone ( in the kind of winds from the Amazon Forest ), the strongest sea-borne winds ( much from an extratropical cyclone ) and summer evapotranspiration bring showers or storms. Thus the monsoon-like climate has dry and balmy winters and springs, and very wet and warm summers and fall. As a solution, temperatures over 40 °C ( 104 °F ), that may happen about year-round but are much more coarse during the summer, frequently mean the actual temperature palpate is over 50 °C ( 122 °F ), when there is little scent and the relative humidity share is high. [ 62 ] [ 63 ] [ 64 ] [ 65 ] Rio de Janeiro is moment only to Cuiabá as the hottest brazilian country capital outside Northern and Northeastern Brazil ; temperatures below 14 °C ( 57 °F ) occur annual, while those lower than 11 °C ( 52 °F ) happen less frequently. The phrase, fazer frio ( “ making cold ”, i.e. “ the weather is getting cold ” ), normally refers to temperatures going below 21 °C ( 70 °F ), which is potential year-round and is commonplace in mid-to-late fall, winter and early spring nights. between 1961 and 1990, at the INMET ( brazilian National Institute of Meteorology ) conventional station in the neighborhood of Saúde, the lowest temperature recorded was 10.1 °C ( 50.2 °F ) in October 1977, [ 66 ] and the highest temperature recorded was 39 °C ( 102.2 °F ) in December 1963. [ 67 ] The highest roll up rain in 24 hours was 167.4 millimeter ( 6.6 in ) in January 1962. [ 68 ] however, the absolute minimum temperature ever recorded at the INMET Jacarepaguá post was 3.8 °C ( 38.8 °F ) in July 1974, [ 66 ] while the absolute maximum was 43.2 °C ( 110 °F ) on 26 December 2012 [ 69 ] in the region of the Santa Cruz station. The highest roll up rain in 24 hours, 186.2 millimeter ( 7.3 in ), was recorded at the Santa Teresa station in April 1967. [ 68 ] The lowest temperature ever registered in the twenty-first century was 8.1 °C ( 46.6 °F ) in Vila Militar, July 2011. [ 70 ]
Climate data for Rio de Janeiro (station of Saúde, 1961—1990)
Record high °C (°F)
Average high °C (°F)
Daily mean °C (°F)
Average low °C (°F)
Record low °C (°F)
Average rainfall mm (inches)
Average rainy days ( ≥ 1 millimeter )
Average relative humidity (%)
Mean monthly sunshine hours
Source: Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology (INMET).[58][59][60][61][66][67][71][72][73]
City districts [edit ]
West partition
North Zone
South zone
Central Zone municipality of Rio de Janeiro and its division into zones and neighborhoods The city is normally divided into the historic center ( Centro ) ; the tourist-friendly affluent South Zone ( Zona Sul ) ; the residential less affluent North Zone ( Zona Norte ) ; peripheries in the West Zone ( Zona Oeste ), among them Santa Cruz, Campo Grande and the affluent newer Barra district attorney Tijuca district .
Central Zone [edit ]
Centro or Downtown is the historic effect of the city, ampere well as its fiscal center. Sites of interest include the Paço Imperial, built during colonial times to serve as a residence for the portuguese governors of Brazil ; many historic churches, such as the Candelária Church ( the former cathedral ), São Jose, Santa Lucia, Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Santa Rita, São Francisco de Paula, and the monasteries of Santo Antônio and São Bento. The Centro besides houses the modern concrete Rio de Janeiro Cathedral. Around the Cinelândia square, there are respective landmarks of the Belle Époque of Rio, such as the Municipal Theatre and the National Library construction. Among its several museums, the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes ( National Museum of Fine Arts ) and the Museu Histórico Nacional ( National Historical Museum ) are the most important. other authoritative diachronic attractions in central Rio include its Passeio Público, an 18th-century populace garden. major streets include Avenida Rio Branco and Avenida Vargas, both constructed, in 1906 and 1942 respectively, by destroying large swaths of the colonial city. A phone number of colonial streets, such as Rua do Ouvidor and Uruguaiana, have long been pedestrian spaces, and the popular Saara denounce district has been pedestrianized more recently. besides located in the center is the traditional vicinity called Lapa, an significant bohemian sphere frequented by both townspeople and tourists .
South Zone [edit ]
The South Zone of Rio de Janeiro ( Zona Sul ) is composed of several districts, among which are São Conrado, Leblon, Ipanema, Arpoador, Copacabana, and Leme, which compose Rio ‘s celebrated Atlantic beach coastline. early districts in the South Zone are Glória, Catete, Flamengo, Botafogo, and Urca, which border Guanabara Bay, and Santa Teresa, Cosme Velho, Laranjeiras, Humaitá, Lagoa, Jardim Botânico, and Gávea. It is the wealthiest separate of the city and the best know abroad ; the neighborhoods of Leblon and Ipanema, in finical, have the most expensive real estate in all of South America. The neighborhood of Copacabana beach hosts one of the world ‘s most spectacular New Year ‘s Eve parties ( “ Reveillon ” ), as more than two million revelers crowd onto the sands to watch the fireworks display. From 2001, the fireworks have been launched from boats, to improve the safety of the event. [ 74 ] To the north of Leme, and at the entrance to Guanabara Bay, is the zone of Urca and the Sugarloaf Mountain ( ‘Pão de Açúcar ‘ ), whose mention describes the celebrated batch rising out of the sea. The acme can be reached via a two-stage cable cable car stumble from Praia Vermelha, with the average stop on Morro district attorney Urca. It offers views of the city second alone to Corcovado batch. Hang glide is a popular activity on the Pedra Bonita ( literally, “ beautiful Rock ” ). After a inadequate flight, gliders land on the Praia do Pepino ( Pepino, or “ cucumber “, Beach ) in São Conrado. Since 1961, the Tijuca National Park ( Parque Nacional da Tijuca ), the largest city-surrounded urban forest and the second gear largest urban afforest in the world, has been a National Park. The largest urban afforest in the world is the Floresta district attorney Pedra Branca ( White Rock Forest ), which is located in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. [ 75 ] The Pontifical Catholic University of Rio ( Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro or PUC-Rio ), Brazil ‘s exceed private university, is located at the edge of the forest, in the Gávea zone. The 1984 film Blame It on Rio was filmed nearby, with the rental firm used by the fib ‘s characters sitting at the boundary of the forest on a mountain overlooking the celebrated beaches. In 2012, CNN elected Ipanema the best city beach in the world. [ 76 ]
North Zone [edit ]
The North Zone ( Zona Norte ) begins at Grande Tijuca ( the in-between class residential and commercial bairro of Tijuca ), barely west of the city center, and sprawl for miles inland until Baixada Fluminense and the city ‘s Northwest. This region is home to the Maracanã stadium ( located in Grande Tijuca ), once the world ‘s highest capability football venue, able to hold about 199,000 people, as it did for the World Cup final of 1950. More recently its capacitance has been reduced to conform with mod guard regulations and the stadium has introduced seating for all fans. presently undergoing reconstruction, it now has the capacity for 90,000 ; it will finally hold around 80,000 people. Maracanã was the site for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and football rival of the 2007 Pan American Games ; hosted the final examination catch of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and the football matches of the 2016 Summer Olympics. Besides Maracanã, the North Zone of Rio besides has other tourist and historical attractions, such “ Nossa Senhora district attorney Penha de França Church ”, the Christ the Redeemer ( statue ) with its stairway built into the rock seam, ‘Manguinhos ‘, the family of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, a centenarian biomedical research institution with a main building fashioned like a moorish palace, and the Quinta district attorney Boa Vista, the park where the historic Imperial Palace is located. Nowadays, the palace hosts the National Museum, specializing in natural history, archeology, and ethnology. The International Airport of Rio de Janeiro ( Galeão – Antônio Carlos Jobim International Airport, named after the celebrated brazilian musician Antônio Carlos Jobim ), the main campus of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at the Fundão Island, and the State University of Rio de Janeiro, in Maracanã, are besides located in the Northern part of Rio. This region is besides home to most of the samba schools of Rio de Janeiro such as Mangueira, Salgueiro, Império Serrano, Unidos district attorney Tijuca, Imperatriz Leopoldinense, among others. Some of the main neighborhoods of Rio ‘s North Zone are Alto da Boa Vista which shares the Tijuca Rainforest with the South and Southwest Zones ; Tijuca, Vila Isabel, Méier, São Cristovão, Madureira, Penha, Manguinhos, Fundão, Olaria among others. many of Rio de Janeiro ‘s roughly 1000 slums, or favelas, are located in the North Zone. [ 77 ] The favelas resemble the slums of Paris, New York or other major cities in the 19th and early twentieth centuries in the United States and Europe, or like neighborhoods in present underdevelop countries .
West zone [edit ]
aqueduct built in the eighteenth century, as was the entire historic complex of the Colônia Juliano Moreira inside Pedra Branca State Park in Taquara West Zone ( Zona Oeste ) of Rio de Janeiro is a vaguely specify area that covers some 50 % of the city ‘s entire area, including Barra district attorney Tijuca and Recreio dos Bandeirantes neighborhoods. The West Side of Rio has many historic sites because of the erstwhile “ Royal Road of Santa Cruz ” that crossed the district in the regions of Realengo, Bangu, and Campo Grande, finishing at the Royal Palace of Santa Cruz in the Santa Cruz area. The highest vertex of the city of Rio de Janeiro is the Pedra Branca Peak ( Pico da Pedra Branca ) inside the Pedra Branca State Park. It has an altitude of 1024m. The Pedra Branca State Park ( Parque Estadual district attorney Pedra Branca ) [ 78 ] is the biggest urban state of matter park in the populace comprising 17 neighborhoods in the west side, being a “ giant lung ” in the city with trails, [ 79 ] waterfalls and historic constructions like an old aqueduct in the Colônia Juliano Moreira [ 80 ] in the neighborhood of Taquara and a dam in Camorim. The parking lot has three chief entrances : the main one is in Taquara called Pau da Fome Core, another entrance is the Piraquara Core in Realengo and the survive one is the Camorim Core, considered the cultural inheritance of the city. Santa Cruz and Campo Grande Region have exhibited economic growth, chiefly in the Campo Grande neighborhood. Industrial enterprises are being built in lower and lower in-between class residential Santa Cruz, one of the largest and most populous of Rio de Janeiro ‘s neighborhoods, most notably Ternium Brasil, a new steel mill with its own private docks on Sepetiba Bay, which is planned to be South America ‘s largest steel works. [ 81 ] A tunnel called Túnel da Grota Funda, opened in 2012, creating a public transportation system facility between Barra da Tijuca and Santa Cruz, lessening travel time to the region from other areas of Rio de Janeiro. [ 82 ]
Barra district attorney Tijuca region [edit ]
This is an elite area of the West Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It includes Barra district attorney Tijuca, Recreio do Bandeirantes, Vargem Grande, Vargem Pequena, Grumari, Itanhangá, Camorim and Joá. Westwards from the older zones of Rio, Barra district attorney Tijuca is a bland complex of barrier islands of once undeveloped coastal nation, which constantly experiences new constructions and developments. It remains an area of accelerated growth, attracting some of the richer sectors of the population a well as lavishness companies. High rise flats and sprawling shopping centers give the area a far more modern find than the crowd city plaza. The urban planning of the area, completed in the late 1960s, mixes zones of single-family houses with residential skyscrapers. The beaches of Barra district attorney Tijuca are besides popular with the residents from other parts of the city. One of the most celebrated hills in the city is the 842-meter-high ( 2,762-foot ) Pedra district attorney Gávea ( Crow ‘s nest rock ) bordering the South Zone. On the top of its acme is a huge rock formation ( some, such as Erich von Däniken in his 1973 koran, In Search of Ancient Gods, call it to be a sculpture ) resembling a sphinx-like, bearded head that is visible for many kilometers around .
Demographics [edit ]
Race and ethnicity in Rio de Janeiro
Pardo (Multiracial)
According to the 2010 IBGE Census, there were 5,940,224 people residing in the city of Rio de Janeiro. [ 83 ] The census revealed the trace numbers : 3,239,888 White people ( 51.2 % ), 2,318,675 Pardo ( multiracial ) people ( 36.5 % ), 708,148 Black people ( 11.5 % ), 45,913 asian people ( 0.7 % ), 5,981 amerindian people ( 0.1 % ). [ 84 ] The population of Rio de Janeiro was 53.2 % female and 46.8 % male. [ 84 ] In 2010, the city of Rio de Janeiro was the 2nd most populous city in Brazil, after São Paulo. [ 85 ] Different cultural groups contributed to the constitution of the population of Rio de Janeiro. Before european colonization, there were at least seven different autochthonal peoples speaking 20 languages in the area. A function of them joined the Portuguese and the early the french. Those who joined the French were then exterminated by the Portuguese, while the other part was assimilated. [ 86 ] Rio de Janeiro is home to the largest portuguese population outside of Lisbon in Portugal. [ 87 ] After independence from Portugal, Rio de Janeiro became a address for hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Portugal, chiefly in the early twentieth hundred. The immigrants were largely inadequate peasants who subsequently found prosperity in Rio as city workers and modest traders. [ 88 ] The portuguese cultural influence is however seen in many parts of the city ( and many other parts of the department of state of Rio de Janeiro ), including architecture and linguistic process. Most Brazilians with some cultural contact with Rio know how to well differentiate between the local dialect, fluminense, and early brazilian dialects .
portuguese immigrant in Rio de Janeiro People of portuguese lineage predominate in most of the submit. The brazilian census of 1920 showed that 39.7 % of the Portuguese who lived in Brazil lived in Rio de Janeiro. Including all of the Rio de Janeiro, the symmetry raised to 46.3 % of the Portuguese who lived in Brazil. The numeral bearing of the Portuguese was extremely high, accounting for 72 % of the foreigners who lived in the capital. portuguese give birth people accounted for 20.4 % of the population of Rio, and those with a portuguese don or a portuguese mother accounted for 30.8 %. In other words, native born Portuguese and their children accounted for 51.2 % of the inhabitants of Rio, or a full of 267,664 people in 1890. [ 90 ]
Rio de Janeiro city (1890)
Portuguese immigrants
Brazilians with at least one Portuguese parent
Portuguese immigrants and their descendants
The blacken community was formed by residents whose ancestors had been brought as slaves, largely from Angola and Mozambique, ampere well by people of Angolan, Mozambican and West african lineage who moved to Rio from early parts of Brazil. The samba ( from Bahia with Angolan influence ) and the celebrated local version of the carnival ( from Europe ) first appeared under the influence of the black residential district in the city. today, about one-half of the city ‘s population is by phenotype perceptibly black or part bootleg. [ 92 ] A boastfully majority has some late sub-saharan ancestor. White in Brazil is defined more by having a European-looking phenotype quite than lineage, and two entire siblings can be of different “ racial ” categories [ 93 ] in a skin tinge and phenotype continuum from pálido ( branco ) or fair-skinned, through branco moreno or dark-skinned caucasian, mestiço claro or light skinned multiracial, pardo ( interracial race ) to negro or black. Pardo, for case, in popular custom includes those who are caboclos ( mestizo ), mulatos ( mulattoes ), cafuzos ( zambos ), juçaras ( antediluvian term for tri-racials ) and westernized Amerindians ( which are called caboclos as well ), being more of a skin color quite than a racial group in especial. As a result of the inflow of immigrants to Brazil from the belated 19th to the early twentieth century, besides found in Rio de Janeiro and its metropolitan area are communities of Levantine Arabs who are largely christian or irreligious, Spaniards, Italians, Germans, japanese, [ 94 ] Jews, and people from other parts of Brazil. The independent waves of inner migration came from people of African, mixed or older Portuguese ( as descendants of early settlers ) descent from Minas Gerais and people of eastern european, swiss, italian, german, portuguese and older Portuguese-Brazilian inheritance from Espírito Santo in the early on and mid-20th hundred, together with people with origins in Northeastern Brazil, in the mid-to-late and late twentieth hundred, as well some in the early twenty-first century ( the latter more directed to peripheries than the city ‘s core ) .
Genomic ancestry of non-related individuals in Rio de Janeiro[95]
Race or skin color
Number of individuals
Pardo (Mixed race)
According to an autosomal deoxyribonucleic acid survey from 2009, conducted on a educate in the poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro, the “ pardos ” there were found to be on average about 80 % european, and the “ whites ” ( who thought of themselves as “ very mix ” ) were found to carry very little amerindian and/or african admixtures. The results of the tests of genomic lineage are quite unlike from the self made estimates of european lineage. In general, the test results showed that european lineage is far more authoritative than the students thought it would be. The “ pardos ” for example intend of themselves as ⅓ european, ⅓ African and ⅓ Amerindian before the tests, and even their ancestry on median reached 80 % european. [ 96 ] [ 97 ] other studies showed exchangeable results [ 95 ] [ 98 ]
Self-reported ancestry of people from Rio de Janeiro, by race or skin color (2000 survey)[99]
European only
African only
Amerindian only
African and European
Amerindian and European
African and Amerindian
African, Amerindian and European
population growth [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil ( after São Paulo ) and has a quickly expanding population and quickly growing area due to rapid urbanization .
- Changing demographics the city of Rio de Janeiro[100]
religion [edit ]
Religion in Rio de Janeiro (2010 Census)[101]
Roman Catholicism
Other Christian
No religion
religion in Rio de Janeiro is diverse, with Catholic Christianity being the majority religion. According to data from the brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ( IBGE ), in 2010 the population of Rio de Janeiro had 3,229,192 Roman Catholics ( 51.1 % ), 1,477,021 Protestants ( 23.4 % ), 372.851 Spiritists ( 5.9 percentage ), 37,974 Jehovah ‘s Witnesses ( 0.6 percentage ), 75,075 Buddhists ( 0.2 percentage ), 52,213 Umbanda ( 0.8 percentage ), 21,800 Jews ( 0.3 percentage ), 25,743 brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church ( 0.4 % ), 16,776 new eastern religious ( 0.2 % ), 28,843 Candomblé ( 0.4 % ), 3,853 Mormons ( < 0.1 % ), 5,751 easterly Orthodox Christians ( < 0.1 % ), 7,394 spiritualists ( 0.1 % ), 964 Muslims ( < 0.1 % ), 5,662 esoteric ( < 0.1 % ), 802 were Hindu ( < 0.1 % ) .Others 858,704 had no religion ( 13.5 % ), and 113,530 followed other forms of Christianity ( 1.8 % ). [ 101 ] Rio de Janeiro has had a rich and influential Catholic tradition. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro is the second largest archdiocese in Brazil after São Paulo. [ 102 ] The Rio de Janeiro Cathedral was inaugurated in 1979, in the cardinal area of the city. Its installations have a solicitation of great historical and religious value : the Archdiocesan Museum of Sacred Art and the Archdiocesan Archive. [ 103 ] In a contemporary architecture, it has a conic supreme headquarters allied powers europe, with 96 meters of home diameter and capacity to receive up to 20 thousand faithful. The luster of the construction, with straight and drab lines, is due to the change stained glass windows carved on the walls up to the dome. Its design and performance was coordinated by Monsignor Ivo Antônio Calliari ( 1918–2005 ). [ 103 ] Saint Sebastian is recognized as the city 's patron canonize, which is why it received the canonic name of `` Saint Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro ''. [ 104 ] many Protestant creeds coexist in the city, Presbyterian, Congregational, Lutheran and Anglican Churches. In summation to evangelical churches such as the Baptist, Methodist, Seventh-day Adventist and Pentecostal churches, such as the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Assembly of God, Christian Congregation in Brazil and The Foursquare Church. [ 101 ] Afro-Brazilian religions such as Umbanda and Candomblé find patronize in versatile social segments, although professed by less than 2 % of the population, many Cariocas simultaneously observe those practices with Roman Catholicism. [ 101 ] [ 105 ]
Social issues [edit ]
Rocinha slum (favela) at night ) at night There are significant disparities between the deep and the poor in Rio de Janeiro, and different socioeconomic groups are largely segregated into different neighborhoods. [ 106 ] Although the city clearly ranks among the populace ‘s major metropolises, big numbers live in slums known as favelas, where 95 % of the population are inadequate, compared to 40 % in the cosmopolitan population. [ 107 ] There have been a phone number of government initiatives to counter this trouble, from the removal of the population from favelas to caparison projects such as Cidade de Deus to the more holocene overture of improving conditions in the favelas and bringing them up to par with the rest of the city, as was the focus of the “ Favela Bairro ” program and deployment of Pacifying Police Units. Rio has more people living in slums than any other city in Brazil, according to the 2010 Census. [ 108 ] More than 1,500,000 people live in its 763 favelas, 22 % of Rio ‘s entire population. São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil, has more favelas ( 1,020 ) in plain numbers, but proportionately has fewer people living in favelas than Rio .
Rio besides has a large symmetry of state-sanctioned ferocity, with about 20 % of all killings committed by state security. [ 109 ] In 2019, patrol killed an modal of five people each day in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with a full of 1,810 killed in the year. This was more police killings than any class since official records started in 1998. [ 110 ]
economy [edit ]
[111] Treemap showing the market contribution of exports, by product, for the city of Rio de Janeiro in 2014 generated by DataViva
Read more: The MMS Institute Thailand
Rio de Janeiro has the second largest GDP of any city in Brazil, surpassed only by São Paulo. According to the IBGE, it was approximately u $ 201 billion in 2008, equivalent to 5.1 % of the national sum. Taking into consideration the network of influence exerted by the urban city ( which covers 11.3 % of the population ), this parcel in GDP rises to 14.4 %, according to a analyze released in October 2008 by the IBGE. [ 112 ] Greater Rio de Janeiro, as perceived by the IBGE, has a GDP of US $ 187 billion, constituting the second largest hub of national wealth. Per caput GDP is US $ 11,786. [ 113 ] It concentrates 68 % of the state ‘s economic intensity and 7.9 % of all goods and services produced in the nation. [ 114 ] The services sector comprises the largest parcel of GDP ( 65.5 % ), followed by commerce ( 23.4 % ), industrial activities ( 11.1 % ) and department of agriculture ( 0.1 % ). [ 115 ] [ 116 ] Benefiting from the federal capital side it had for a long period ( 1763–1960 ), the city became a dynamic administrative, fiscal, commercial and cultural center field. Rio de Janeiro became an attractive stead for companies to locate when it was the capital of Brazil, as significant sectors of society and of the government were present in the city, even when their factories were located in other cities or states. The city was chosen as headquarters for state-owned companies such as Petrobras, Eletrobras, Caixa Econômica Federal, National Economic and Social Development Bank and Vale ( which was privatized in the 1990s ). The Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange ( BVRJ ), which presently trades merely government securities, was the first stock exchange founded in Brazil in 1845. Despite the transfer of the capital to Brasília in 1960, many of these headquarters remained within the Rio metropolitan area. The off-shore vegetable oil exploration in the Campos Basin began in 1968 and became the main locate for oil output of Brazil. This caused many petroleum and flatulence companies to be based in Rio de Janeiro, such as the brazilian branches of Shell, EBX and Esso. For many years Rio was the second largest industrial hub of Brazil, [ 117 ] with vegetable oil refineries, shipbuilding industries, steel, metallurgy, petrochemicals, cement, pharmaceutical, textile, processed foods and furniture industries .
major external pharmaceutical companies have their brazilian headquarters in Rio such as : Merck, Roche, Arrow, Darrow, Baxter, Mayne, and Mappel. A newer electronics and calculator sector has been added to the more-established industries. construction, besides an important activity, provides a meaning reference of employment for big numbers of amateurish workers and is buoyed by the number of seasonal residents who build second homes in the Greater Rio de Janeiro area. Rio is an authoritative fiscal center, second base only to São Paulo in volume of business. Its securities market, although declining in meaning proportional to São Paulo, is still of major importance. Recent decades have seen a sharp transformation in its economic profile, which is becoming more and more one of a major national hub of services and businesses. [ 118 ] The city is the headquarters of large telecommunication companies, such as Intelig, Oi and Embratel. Major brazilian entertainment and media organizations are based in Rio de Janeiro like Organizações Globo and besides some of Brazil ‘s major newspapers : Jornal do Brasil, O Dia, and Business Rio. tourism and entertainment are early key aspects of the city ‘s economic life sentence. The city is the nation ‘s top tourist attraction for both Brazilians and foreigners. [ 119 ] To attract industry, the state government has designated certain areas on the outskirts of the city as industrial districts where infrastructure is provided and land sales are made under special conditions. oil and natural gasoline from fields off the northern seashore of Rio de Janeiro submit are a major asset used for developing manufacture activities in Rio ‘s metropolitan area, enabling it to compete with other major cities for new investment in diligence. [ 120 ] Owing to the proximity of Rio ‘s port facilities, many of Brazil ‘s export-import companies are headquartered in the city. In Greater Rio, which has one of the highest per caput incomes in Brazil, retail trade is substantial. many of the most authoritative retail stores are located in the kernel, but others are scattered throughout the commercial areas of the other districts, where shopping centers, supermarkets, and early retail businesses handle a large volume of consumer trade. [ 121 ] Rio de Janeiro is ( as of 2014 ) the moment largest exporting municipality in Brazil. Annually, Rio exported a entire of $ 7.49B ( USD ) worth of goods. [ 122 ] The top three goods exported by the municipality were crude petroleum ( 40 % ), semitrailer finished iron intersection ( 16 % ), and semi finished sword products ( 11 % ). [ 123 ] Material categories of mineral products ( 42 % ) and metals ( 29 % ) make up 71 % of all exports from Rio. [ 124 ] Compared to early cities, Rio de Janeiro ‘s economy is the 2nd largest in Brazil, behind São Paulo, and the 30th largest in the world with a GDP of R $ 201,9 billion in 2010. The per head income for the city was R $ 22,903 in 2007 ( around US $ 14,630 ). [ 125 ] largely because of the lastingness of Brazil ‘s currentness at the clock time, Mercer ‘s city rankings of cost of living for expatriate employees, reported that Rio de Janeiro ranked 12th among the most expensive cities in the earth in 2011, up from the 29th place in 2010, barely behind São Paulo ( ranked 10th ), and ahead of London, Paris, Milan, and New York. [ 126 ] [ 127 ] Rio besides had the most expensive hotel rates in Brazil, and the daily rate of its five star hotels were the second most expensive in the populace after merely New York. [ 128 ]
tourism [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro is Brazil ‘s elementary tourist attraction and resort. It receives the most visitors per year of any city in South America with 2.82 million international tourists a class. [ 129 ] The city boasts first hotels, like Belmond Copacabana Palace, approximately 80 kilometers of beaches and the celebrated Corcovado, Sugarloaf mountains and Maracanã Stadium. While the city had in past had a booming tourism sector, the industry entered a refuse in the stopping point quarter of the twentieth century. annual external airport arrivals dropped from 621,000 to 378,000 and average hotel occupancy dropped to 50 % between 1985 and 1993. [ 130 ] The fact that Brasília replaced Rio de Janeiro as the brazilian capital in 1960 and that São Paulo replaced Rio as the country ‘s commercial, fiscal and main cultural focus on during the mid-20th century, has besides been cited as a leading induce of the decline. [ 131 ] Rio de Janeiro ‘s politics has since undertaken to modernize the city ‘s economy, reduce its chronic sociable inequalities, and improve its commercial standing as part of an first step for the positive feedback of the tourism industry. [ 131 ] The city is an important global LGBT destination, 1 million LGBT tourists visiting each class. [ 132 ] The Rua Farme de Amoedo is located in Ipanema, a celebrated region in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro. The street and the nearby beach, celebrated tourist spots, are noteworthy for their popularity in the LGBT community. Rio de Janeiro is the most award destination by World Travel Awards in the south american category of “ best finish ”. [ 133 ]
position of the city of Rio de Janeiro from Corcovado
education [edit ]
The portuguese speech is the official and home terminology, and thus the primary speech teach in schools. english and spanish are besides part of the official course of study. There are besides external schools, such as the american School of Rio de Janeiro, Our dame of Mercy School, SIS Swiss International School, the Corcovado german School, the Lycée Français and the british School of Rio de Janeiro. [ 134 ]
educational institutions [edit ]
Superior institute of Education of Rio de Janeiro ( ISERJ ) The city has respective universities and inquiry institute. The Ministry of Education has certified approximately 99 upper-learning institutions in Rio. [ 135 ] The most esteemed university is the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. It is the one-fifth best in Latin America ; the second best in Brazil, second entirely to the University of São Paulo ; and the best in Latin America, according to the QS World University Rankings. [ 136 ] [ 137 ] Some celebrated higher education institutions are Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( UFRJ ) ; Federal University of the Rio de Janeiro express ( UNIRIO ) ; Rio de Janeiro State University ( UERJ ) ; Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro ( UFRRJ, frequently dub Rural ) ; Fluminense Federal University ( UFF ) ; Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro ( PUC-Rio ) ; Getúlio Vargas Foundation ( FGV ) ; Military Institute of Engineering ( IME ) ; Superior Institute of Technology in Computer Science of Rio de Janeiro ( IST-Rio ) ; College of Publicity and Marketing ( ESPM ) ; National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics ( IMPA ) ; Superior establish of Education of Rio de Janeiro ( ISERJ ) and Federal Center of Technological Education Celso Suckow district attorney Fonseca ( CEFET/RJ ). There are more than 137 upper-learning institutions in whole Rio de Janeiro state. [ 138 ]
educational system [edit ]
basal schools are largely under municipal administration, while the state plays a more significant character in the extensive network of junior-grade schools. There are besides a small number of schools under federal government, as is the case of Pedro II School, Colégio de Aplicação district attorney UFRJ and the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica of Rio de Janeiro ( CEFET-RJ ). In addition, Rio has an ample offer of private schools that provide education at all levels. Rio is home to many colleges and universities. The literacy rate for carioca aged 10 and older is closely 95 percentage, well above the national median. [ 139 ] The Rio de Janeiro State University ( public ), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( public ), brazilian Institute of Capital Markets ( secret ) and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro ( individual ) are among the state ‘s top institutions of higher education. other establish of higher teach include the Colégio Regina Coeli in Usina, luminary for having its own 3 foot ( 914 millimeter ) specialize gauge [ 140 ] cable railway railroad track on its grounds. [ 141 ] In Rio, there were 1,033 primary schools with 25,594 teachers and 667,788 students in 1995. There are 370 secondary schools with 9,699 teachers and 227,892 students. There are 53 University-preparatory schools with 14,864 teachers and 154,447 students. The city has six major universities and 47 private schools of higher memorize. [ 142 ]
culture [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro is a main cultural hub in Brazil. Its architecture embraces churches and buildings dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries, blending with the world-renowned designs of the twentieth century. Rio was home to the Portuguese Imperial family and capital of the country for many years, and was influenced by Portuguese, English, and french architecture. [ 143 ] Rio de Janeiro has inherited a strong cultural character from the past. In the late nineteenth hundred, there were sessions held of the first brazilian film and since then, several production cycles have spread out, finally placing Rio at the forefront of experimental and national film. The Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival [ 144 ] has been held annually since 1999. [ 145 ] Rio presently brings together the main production centers of brazilian television. [ 146 ] Major international films set in Rio de Janeiro include Blame it on Rio ; the James Bond movie Moonraker ; the Oscar award-winning, critically acclaimed Central Station by Walter Salles, who is besides one of Brazil ‘s best-known directors ; and the Oscar award-winning historical drama, Black Orpheus, which depicted the early days of Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro. Internationally celebrated, Brazilian-made movies illustrating a dark slope of Rio de Janeiro include Elite Squad and City of God .
Rio has many authoritative cultural landmarks, such as the Biblioteca Nacional ( National Library ), one of the largest libraries in the global with collections totalling more than 9 million items ; the Theatro Municipal ; the National Museum of Fine Arts ; the Carmen Miranda Museum ; the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden ; the Parque Lage ; the Quinta district attorney Boa Vista ; the Imperial Square ; the brazilian Academy of Letters ; the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro ; and the Natural History Museum .
literature [edit ]
After brazilian independence from Portugal in 1822, Rio de Janeiro cursorily developed a European-style bourgeois cultural life, including numerous newspapers, in which most 19th-century novels were initially published in series. Joaquim Manuel de Macedo ‘s A Moreninha ( 1844 ) was possibly the beginning successful fresh in Brazil and inaugurates a perennial 19th-century theme : a amatory relationship between exalted young people in malice of cruelties of sociable fortune .
The first noteworthy bring of platonism focusing on the urban lower-middle class is Manuel Antônio de Almeida ‘s Memórias de um sargento de milícias ( 1854 ), which presents a serial of picaresque but touching scenes, and evokes the transformation of a town into a city with suggestive nostalgia. romanticist and realist modes both flourished through the deep nineteenth century and frequently overlapped within works. [ 147 ] The most celebrated author of Rio de Janeiro, however, was Machado de Assis, who is besides widely regarded as the greatest writer of brazilian literature [ 148 ] and considered the laminitis of Realism in Brazil, with the publication of The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas ( 1881 ). [ 149 ] He commented on and criticized the political and social events of the city and area such as the abolition of slavery in 1888 and the transition from Empire to Republic with his numerous chronicles published in newspapers of the prison term. [ 150 ] Many of his short stories and novels, like Quincas Borba ( 1891 ) and Dom Casmurro ( 1899 ), are placed in Rio. The headquarters of the brazilian Academy of Letters is based in Rio de Janeiro. It was satirized by the novelist Jorge Amado in Pen, Sword, Camisole. Amado, himself, went on to be one of the 40 members of the Academy .
Libraries [edit ]
The Biblioteca Nacional ( National Library of Brazil ) ranks as one of the largest libraries in the populace. It is besides the largest library in all of Latin America. [ 151 ] Located in Cinelândia, the National Library was primitively created by the King of Portugal, in 1810. As with many of Rio de Janeiro ‘s cultural monuments, the library was primitively off-limits to the general public. The most valuable collections in the library admit : 4,300 items donated by Barbosa Machado including a cherished collection of rare brochures detailing the History of Portugal and Brazil ; 2,365 items from the 17th and 18th centuries that were previously owned by Antônio de Araújo de Azevedo, the “ Count of Barca ”, including the 125-volume set of prints “ Le Grand Théâtre de l’Univers ; ” a solicitation of documents regarding the Jesuítica Province of Paraguay and the “ Region of Prata ; ” and the Teresa Cristina Maria Collection, donated by Emperor Pedro II. The collection contains 48,236 items. individual items of special interest include a rare foremost edition of Os Lusíadas by Luis de Camões, published in 1584 ; two copies of the Mogúncia Bible ; and a first version of Handel ‘s Messiah. [ 152 ] The Real Gabinete Português de Leitura ( portuguese Royal Reading Library ) is located at Rua Luís de Camões, in the Centro ( Downtown ). The institution was founded in 1837 by a group of forty-three portuguese immigrants, political refugees, to promote acculturation among the Portuguese community in the then capital of the Empire. The history of the brazilian Academy of Letters is linked to the Real Gabinete, since some of the early meetings of the Academy were held there. [ 153 ]
music [edit ]
The official sung of Rio de Janeiro is “ Cidade Maravilhosa “, which means “ fantastic city ”. The song is considered the civic anthem of Rio, and is always the favorite sung during Rio ‘s Carnival in February. Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, are considered the center of the urban music movement in Brazil. [ 154 ] “ Rio was popularized by the hit song “ The Girl from Ipanema “, composed by Antônio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes and recorded by Astrud Gilberto and João Gilberto, Frank Sinatra, and Ella Fitzgerald. It is besides the main key sung of the bossa nova, a music genre born in Rio. A genre unique to Rio and Brazil as a whole is Funk Carioca. While samba music continues to act as the national unite agent in Rio, Funk Carioca found a strong community following in Brazil. With its genesis in the 1970s as the modern black crop up music from the United States, it evolved in the 1990s to describe a assortment of electronic music associated with the current US black music picture, including hip hop, modern soul, and house music. ” [ 155 ] Brazil ‘s render to majority rule in 1985 allowed for a new music expression which promoted creativity and experiment in expressive culture, in a brandish of Rock’n’roll that swept the 80s. Lobão emerged as the most fabled rocker in Brazil. [ 156 ] Commercial and cultural imports from Europe and North America have frequently influenced Brazil ‘s own cultural end product. For example, the pelvis hop that has stemmed from New York is localized into forms of musical production such as Funk Carioca and brazilian pelvis hop. Bands from Rio de Janeiro besides had influence in the mid-to-late development of the Punk in Brazil, and that of brazilian thrash metallic element. democratic renewal besides allowed for the recognition and acceptance of this diversification of brazilian polish. [ 157 ] Some of the best singers in the history of Rio de Janeiro are Lobão, Tim Maia, Agepê, Emílio Santiago, Evandro Mesquita, Byafra, Erasmo Carlos, Elymar Santos, Gretchen, Latino, Kátia Cega, Rafael Ilha, Sérgio Mallandro e Wilson Simonal .
field [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro ‘s Theatro Municipal is one of the most attractive buildings in the central area of the city. Home of one of the largest stages in Latin America and one of Brazil ‘s best known venues for opera, ballet, and authoritative music, the build up was inspired by the Palais Garnier, home of the Paris Opera. construction of the Theatro Municipal began in 1905 following designs of the architect Francisco Pereira Passos. The statues on the top, of two women representing Poetry and Music, are by Rodolfo Bernardelli, and the home is fat with furnishings and fine paintings. Inaugurated in 1909, the Teatro Municipal has close to 1,700 seats. Its department of the interior includes turn of the hundred stained glass from France, ceilings of rose-colored marble and a 1,000 pound crystal drop chandelier surrounded by a painting of the “ Dance of the Hours “. The exterior walls of the building are dotted with inscriptions bearing the names of celebrated Brazilians ampere well as many other international celebrities. [ 158 ] Cidade district attorney Artes ( City of Arts ) is a cultural complex in Barra district attorney Tijuca in the Southwest Zone of Rio de Janeiro, which was in the first place planned to open in 2004. formally known as “ Cidade district attorney Música ” ( City of Music ), it was last inaugurated at the begin of 2013. The project will host the brazilian Symphony Orchestra becoming a chief center for music as will be the largest modern concert hall in South America, with 1,780 seats. The complex spans approximately 90 thousand square meters ( 1 million square feet ) and besides features a bedroom music hallway, three theaters, and 12 rehearsal rooms. From the terrace there is a bird’s-eye watch of the zone. The building was designed by the french architect Christian de Portzamparc and construction was funded by the city of Rio de Janeiro. A series of report theaters jointly known as Lona Cultural, administered by the city ‘s Municipal Secretary of Culture, serve throughout the city as venues for cultural activities such as concerts, plays, workshops, art and craft fairs, and courses .
Events [edit ]
New Year ‘s Eve [edit ]
New Year ‘s Eve firework at Copacabana Beach Every 31 December, 2.5 million people gather at Copacabana Beach to celebrate New Year ‘s in Rio de Janeiro. The crowd, by and large dressed in white, celebrates all night at the hundreds of different shows and events along the beach. It is the moment largest celebration merely adjacent to the Carnival. People celebrate the New Year by sharing chilled champagne. It is considered estimable fortune to shake the champagne bottle and spray about at midnight. Chilled champagne adds to the spirit of the festivities. [ 159 ]
Rock in Rio [edit ]
“ rock in Rio ” is a music festival conceived by entrepreneur Roberto Medina for the first gear time in 1985, and since its initiation, recognized as the largest music festival in the Latin universe and the largest in the universe, with 1.5 million people attending the first event, 700,000 attending the moment and fourth, about 1.2 million attending the third base, and about 350,000 people attending each of the 3 Lisbon events. It was primitively organized in Rio de Janeiro, from where the name comes from, has become a world level event and, in 2004, had its inaugural edition abroad in Lisbon, Portugal, before Madrid, Spain and Las Vegas, United States. The festival is considered the eighth best in the worldly concern by the specialize web site Fling Festival. [ 160 ]
circus [edit ]
Carnaval, is an annual celebration in the Roman Catholic custom that allows merry-making and crimson kernel consumption before the more sober 40 days of Lent repentance which culminates with Holy or Passion Week and Easter. The tradition of Carnaval parades was credibly influenced by the french or german courts and the custom was brought by the Portuguese or brazilian Imperial families who had French and austrian german ancestors. Up until the time of the marchinhas, the revel was more of a high class and Caucasian-led event. The charm of the African-Brazilian drums and music became more detectable from the first base half of the twentieth hundred. Rio de Janeiro has many Carnaval choices, including the celebrated samba school ( Escolas de Samba) [ 161 ] parades in the sambadrome exhibition concentrate and the popular blocos de carnaval, street revel, which parade in about every corner of the city. The most celebrated ones are :
- Cordão do Bola Preta: Parades in the center of the city. It is one of the most traditional carnavals. In 2008, 500,000 people attended in one day.[162] In 2011, a record 2 million people attended the city covering three different metro stations.
- Suvaco do Cristo: Band that parades in the Botanic Garden, directly below the Redeemer statue’s arm. The name translates to ‘Christ’s armpit’ in English, and was chosen for that reason.
- Carmelitas: Band that was supposedly created by nuns, but in fact is just a theme chosen by the band. It parades in Santa Teresa, a bairro from where one can see extensive panoramas.
- Simpatia é Quase Amor: One of the most popular parades in Ipanema. Translates as ‘Friendliness is almost love’.
- Banda de Ipanema: The most traditional in Ipanema. It attracts a wide range of revellers, including families and a wide spectrum of the LGBT/Queer population (notably drag queens).
In 1840, the first Carnaval was celebrated with a mask ball. As years passed, adorned floats and costume revelers became a custom among the celebrants. Carnaval is known as a historic ancestor of brazilian music. [ 163 ]
Sambódromo (Sambadrome) during the Rio Carnival Samba Parade at the ( Sambadrome ) during the Rio Carnival
Sports [edit ]
As in the rest of Brazil, association football is the most popular mutant. The city ‘s major teams are Flamengo, Vasco da Gama, Fluminense and Botafogo. Madureira, Bangu, Portuguesa, America and Bonsucesso are small clubs. celebrated players born in the city include Ronaldo and Romário. [ 164 ] Rio de Janeiro was one of the host cities of the 1950 and 2014 FIFA World Cups, for which on both occasions Brazil was the horde nation. In 1950, the Maracanã Stadium hosted 8 matches, including all but one of the master of ceremonies team ‘s matches. The Maracanã was besides the location of the ill-famed tournament-deciding catch between Uruguay and Brazil, where Brazil lone needed a disembowel to win the concluding group stage and the whole tournament. Brazil ended up losing 2–1 in front of a home crowd of more than 199,000. In 2014, the Maracanã hosted seven matches, including the concluding, where Germany beat Argentina 1–0. [ 165 ]
Olympics [edit ]
On 2 October 2009, the International Olympic Committee selected Rio de Janeiro to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. [ 166 ] Rio made their first offer for the 1936 Summer Olympics, but lost to Berlin. They late made bids for the 2004 and 2012 Games, but failed to become a campaigner city both times. Those games were awarded to Athens and London respectively. [ 167 ] Rio is the first brazilian and south american city to host the Summer Olympics. Rio de Janeiro besides became the first city in the southerly hemisphere outside of Australia to host the games – Melbourne in 1956 and Sydney in 2000. In July 2007, Rio successfully organized and hosted the XV Pan American Games. Rio de Janeiro besides hosted the 2011 Military World Games from 15 to 24 July 2011. The 2011 Military World Games were the largest military sports event ever held in Brazil, with approximately 4,900 athletes from 108 countries competing in 20 sports. [ 168 ] Rio de Janeiro hosted the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics. The Olympic Games were held from 5 to 21 August 2016. The Paralympics were held from 7 to 18 September 2016 .
other sports [edit ]
The city has a history as host of major international sports events. The Ginásio do Maracanãzinho was the host stadium for the official FIBA Basketball World Championship for its 1954 and 1963 editions. late, the Jacarepaguá circuit in Rio de Janeiro was the site for the Formula One Brazilian Grand Prix from 1978 to 1989. Rio de Janeiro besides hosted the MotoGP Brazilian Grand Prix from 1995 to 2004 and the Champ Car event from 1996 to 1999. WCT/WQS surfing championships were contested on the beaches from 1985 to 2001. The Rio Champions Cup Tennis tournament is held in the spring. As separate of its preparations to host the 2007 Pan American Games, Rio built a newly stadium, Estádio Olímpico João Havelange, to hold 45,000 people. It was named after brazilian ex- FIFA president João Havelange. The stadium is owned by the city of Rio de Janeiro, but it was rented to Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas for 20 years. [ 169 ] Rio de Janeiro has besides a multi-purpose stadium, the HSBC Arena .
Children playing beach football The brazilian Dance/Sport/ Martial art Capoeira is very popular. early popular sports are basketball, beach football, beach volleyball, Beach American Football, footvolley, surfing, kite browse, hang glide, motor race, brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Luta Livre, voyage, and competitive row. Another mutant that is highly popular in beaches of Rio is called “ Frescobol ” ( marked [ fɾe̞ɕko̞ˈbɔw ] ), a type of beach tennis. Rio de Janeiro is besides eden for rock climbers, with hundreds of routes all over the city, ranging from easy boulders to highly technical big wall climbs, all inside the city. The most celebrated, Rio ‘s granite batch, the Sugar Loaf ( Pão de Açúcar ), is an exercise, with routes from the easily third grade ( american english 5.4, french 3 ) to the highly unmanageable ninth grade ( 5.13/8b ), up to 280 meters ( 919 feet ). sawhorse racing events are held Thursday nights and weekend afternoons at Hipódromo district attorney Gávea. An impressive place with excellent eatage and soil tracks, it runs the best horses in the nation. Hang gliding in Rio de Janeiro started in the mid-1970s and quickly proved to be well-suited for this township, because of its geography : steep mountains encounter the Atlantic Ocean, which provide excellent take-off locations and big landing zones on the beach. One of the most popular ocean sports in the city is yachting. The main yacht clubs are in Botafogo area that extends halfway between Copacabana and the center of town. Though the most single and concern is credibly the Rio Yacht cabaret, where high gear society makes it a point to congregate. Most yacht clubs are open to members entirely and gate crash is not easy. Copacabana is besides a bang-up place to surf, vitamin a well as “ Arpoador of Ipanema ” beach and “ Praia do Bandeirantes ”. The ocean at these beaches is grating and dangerous, and the best surfers from Brazil and other sites of the populace come to these beaches to prove themselves. [ 170 ]
transportation [edit ]
Airports [edit ]
The city of Rio de Janeiro is served by the follow airports for function :
- Galeão–Antônio Carlos Jobim International Airport: used for all international and most of the domestic flights. Since August 2004, with the transfer of many flights from Santos-Dumont Airport, Rio de Janeiro International Airport has returned to being the main doorway to the city. Besides linking Rio to the rest of Brazil with domestic flights, Galeão has connections to 19 countries. It has a capacity to handle up to 30 million users a year in two passenger terminals. It is located 20 km (12 mi) from downtown Rio. The airport complex also has Brazil’s longest runway at 4,000 m (13,123.36 ft), and one of South America’s largest cargo logistics terminals. The airport is connected to the express bus service.[171]
- Santos Dumont Airport: used mainly by the services to São Paulo, some short and medium-haul domestic flights, and general aviation. Located on Guanabara Bay just a few blocks from the heart of downtown Rio, during the 1990s Santos-Dumont began to outgrow its capacity, besides diverging from its specialization on short-hop flights, offering routes to other destinations in Brazil. For this reason, in late 2004 Santos-Dumont returned to its original condition of operating only shuttle flights to and from Congonhas Airport in São Paulo, along with regional aviation. The passenger terminal has undergone extensive renovation and expansion, which increased its capacity to 9,9 million users a year. The airport is connected to the city light rail system (Rio de Janeiro Light Rail), which connects several transport systems to downtown.[172]
- Jacarepaguá-Roberto Marinho Airport: used by general aviation and home to the Aeroclube do Brasil (Brasil Flying club). The airport is located in the district of Baixada de Jacarepaguá, within the municipality of Rio de Janeiro approximately 30 km (19 mi) from the city center.[173]
military airports include :
Ports [edit ]
The Port of Rio de Janeiro is Brazil ‘s third base busiest port in terms of cargo volume, and it is the center for cruise vessels. Located on the west coast of the Guanabara Bay, it serves the States of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Espírito Santo. The port is managed by Companhia Docas de Rio de Janeiro. The Port of Rio de Janeiro covers territory from the Mauá Pier in the east to the Wharf of the Cashew in the north. The Port of Rio de Janeiro contains about seven thousand meters ( 23 thousand feet ) of continuous wharf and an 883-meter ( 2,897-foot ) pier. The Companhia Docas de Rio de Janeiro administers directly the Wharf of the Gamboa general cargo terminal ; the wheat terminal with two warehouses adequate to of moving 300 tons of grains ; General Load Terminal 2 with warehouses covering over 20 thousand square meters ( 215 thousand square feet ) ; and the Wharves of Are Cristovao with terminals for wheat and liquid bulk. [ 176 ] At the Wharf of Gamboa, leaseholders operate terminals for carbohydrate, wallpaper, iron and steel products. Leaseholders at the Wharf of the Cashew operate on terminals for roll-on/roll-off cargoes, containers, and liquid bulge. In 2004, the Port of Rio de Janeiro handled over seven million tons of cargo on about 1700 vessels. In 2004, the Port of Rio de Janeiro handled over two million tons of containerize cargo in about 171 thousand TEUs. The port handled 852 thousand tons of wheat, more than 1.8 million tons of iron and sword, over a million tons of liquid bulge cargo, about 830 thousand tons of dry bulk, over five thousand tons of newspaper goods, and over 78 thousand vehicles. In 2003, over 91 thousand passengers moved through the Port of Rio Janeiro on 83 cruise vessels. [ 177 ]
public department of transportation [edit ]
Public transportation function In Rio de Janeiro, buses are the main human body of public department of transportation. There are closely 440 municipal bus topology lines serving over four million passengers every day, in addition to intercity lines. Although cheap and patronize, Rio ‘s department of transportation policy has been moving towards trains and underpass in order to reduce surface congestion and increase carrier capacity. Rio ‘s public transportation service has been a target of many critics and the motivative of the 2013 ‘s protests and manifestations that started in São Paulo and spread through the entire area. According to the people, the raise in the bus and underpass fares are invalid, seeing that the amount charged is excessively high for the broken timbre of the services. The average amount of clock people spend commuting with public transit in Rio de Janeiro, for exemplar to and from work, on a weekday is 95 min. 32 % of public transit riders, drive for more than two hours every sidereal day. The average amount of time people wait at a stop consonant or station for public transit is 19 min, while 35 % of riders wait for over 20 minutes on median every day. The average distance people normally ride in a single tripper with public transit is 12.3 kilometer, while 37 % travel for over 12 km in a individual focus. [ 178 ]
Subway and urban trains [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro has three metro lines ( Metrô Rio ) with 58 kilometers ( 36 nautical mile ) and 41 stations plus several commuter rail lines. future plans include building a one-fourth underpass production line to Niterói and São Gonçalo, including an subaqueous burrow below Guanabara Bay to supplement the ferry servicing presently there. [ 179 ] The Metro is Rio ‘s safest and cleanest form of populace conveyance. [ 180 ]
The three lines serve the city seven days a workweek. The beginning lineage runs from General Osório in Ipanema to Uruguai Station in Tijuca. The irregular line runs from Botafogo, sharing ten stations with the beginning line, terminating at Pavuna in northern Rio. The third connects General Osório to Jardim Oceânico Station, in the Barra district attorney Tijuca neighborhood, where the 2016 Olympic Games were held. The Metro runs services from 05:00 am to 12:00 midnight, Monday to Saturday, and from 07:00 am to 11:00 autopsy Sundays and populace holidays. People can buy tickets for the Metro at train stations and can either buy one tickets or rechargeable cards. People can besides buy tickets for the Metro at buses that make connect places far from the Metro. consolidation with buses are potential in several forms, an integrated Metro and busbar tag for a single journey is available for some lines paying an extra fee and is known as an Integração Expressa ( Express Integration ) and Expresso Barra, the other possibility is taking the Metro na Superfície ( Surface Metro ) with no extra tip. [ 181 ] [ 182 ] SuperVia connects the city of Rio with other locations in Greater Rio de Janeiro with surface trains. It has 8 lines and 270 kilometers ( 168 mile ), with 102 stations. [ 183 ]
Light rail [edit ]
In order to improve traffic in the central partition, the prefecture started the stick out “ Porto Maravilha ” ( Marvelous Port ), which foresees a modern tramway system. Its lines will connect the cardinal business district to Santos Dumont Airport, the ferry place at XV Square, the Novo Rio end bus place at Santo Cristo, and the future high-speed fulminate Leopoldina station between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. [ 184 ] In 2016, for the Olympic Games, the light track organization was inaugurated, with 28 km, 42 stations, distributed in 3 lines. The trams are the first in the universe to use a combination of ground-level ability supply ( APS ) and on-board supercapacitor energy storehouse ( SRS ), in decree to eliminate overhead lines along the stallion route. [ citation needed ]
bus topology [edit ]
City buses cost about R $ 3.80 to ride. They come in both non-air conditioned ( R $ 3.80 ) [ 185 ] and vent conditioned versions ( R $ 3–R $ 5.40 ). [ 186 ] The system may be relatively safe by day but less indeed at night. [ 187 ] integration of bus lines has been recently implemented, allowing users to take two non-air conditioned bus rides in two hours paying good one ticket. It is necessary to have a registered electronic card ( the “ Bilhete Único Carioca (BUC) “ ) in order to benefit of this organization. Another type of local bus is called the “ Frescão “ ( air-condition ). These buses run respective routes, the main being from Centro through Botafogo, Copacabana and Ipanema to Leblon ( and vice versa ), and from the International Airport to Barra, through the beach road. They are air conditioned – about 22 °C ( 72 °F ) – more upscale/comfortable and cost between R $ 6.00–R $ 12.00. [ 188 ] however, it is only available during weekdays. The buses besides run more frequently during the rush hours in the morning and even. Going in the direction of Centro ( city center ), the bus can be flagged polish on the beach road ( buses with plaques showing “ Castelo ” ) .
ferry [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro ferry The most geographically near sister city to Rio that is on the other side of Guanabara Bay is Niterói. many people who live in Niterói, ampere well its neighboring municipalities São Gonçalo and Maricá, commute to Rio de Janeiro to study and work. There are several ferry services that operate between the Rio Centro ( Praça XV ) and Niterói ( Centro and Charitas ). There is a traditional gravy boat deoxyadenosine monophosphate well as several “ fast computerized tomography ” hydrofoil boats. One of the city neighborhoods is Paquetá Island, which can only be accessed by ferryboats or hydrofoil boats. The ferry to Paquetá leaves every hour, from early in the dawn until around midnight. There is besides a ferry to Cocotá .
tramcar [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro has the oldest operate on electric tramway in Latin America, [ 189 ] now chiefly used by tourists and less by daily commuters. The Santa Teresa Tram, bonde ( streetcar ), or bondinho ( little tramway ), has been preserved both as a while of history and as a agile, fun, and cheap way of getting to one of the most far-out parts of the city. [ 190 ] It was designated a national historic memorial in 1985. [ 191 ] : 111
The tramway post, known as Largo district attorney Carioca terminal, is near Cinelândia and the Municipal Theatre. Trams leave every 20–25 minutes between 8:00 am and 5:40 prime minister. [ 192 ] A ticket is R $ 20.00 ( about US $ 3.75 ), [ 192 ] one way or return, and people pay as they pass through the barrier to the right of the entrance. The Santa Teresa Tram ( known locally as the “ bonde ”, the brazilian Portuguese bible for streetcar ) commenced electric operation in 1896, replacing horse-drawn trams and extending the route. [ 191 ] At this clock the gauge was altered to 1,100 millimeter ( 3 foot 7+5⁄16 in ), which remains the case nowadays. [ 191 ] The tramcars presently in operation are Brazilian-built, are of the cross-bench open-sided design, and are fitted with streetcar poles. After a derailment occurred on 27 August 2011, [ 193 ] which left six dead, streetcar service was suspended to improve the system. The aged tramcars, which dated from the 1950s, [ 194 ] were retired and replaced with newly built replica that have the appearance of the old flit but with new mechanical equipment and extra safety features ; [ 195 ] delivery began in 2014. [ 196 ] The line ‘s track was besides rebuilt, and after some delays, about one-third of the pipeline reopened in July 2015. More sections reopened later in stages, following repair of extra sections of track. The tune was restored to its full moon pre-2011 length of 6 km ( 4 secret intelligence service ) in January 2019. [ 197 ]
Road transport [edit ]
Driving in Rio de Janeiro, as in most bombastic cities of Brazil, might not be the best choice because of the large car numbers. The city is served by a count of expressways, like Linha Vermelha, Linha Amarela, Avenida Brasil, Avenida das Américas and Avenida Infante Dom Henrique ( Aterro do Flamengo ) ; in cattiness of this, traffic jams are very coarse. [ 198 ] Because of the constitution of the 2016 Olympics the city is installing four BRT systems to link Barra district attorney Tijuca with other major neighborhoods : TransOlimpica ( between Barra and Deodoro ) ; TransBrasil ( over the Avenida Brasil expressway ) ; TransCarioca ( between Barra and the Galeão International Airport ) ; and TransOeste ( between Barra and Santa Cruz, over Avenida das Américas ). In Brazil, most interstate department of transportation is done by road. A large end for long-distance buses is in the Santo Cristo neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. There are besides two port facilities for cargo and passenger ships ( Rio de Janeiro and Sepetiba port ). Rio has roads to all neighbor States. Some roads ( like Via Dutra, to São Paulo, and a reach of the BR-101 which covers the Rio-Niterói bridge ) were chartered to secret enterprises. The quality of the highways improved much, but was accompanied by a meaning increase of the price fees. From São Paulo : take the BR-116 ( Presidente Dutra Federal Highway ) or the BR-101 ( Rio-Santos Federal Highway ). From Belo Horizonte : BR-040. From el salvador : BR-101 or BR-324 /BR-116/BR-393/BR-040 .
Bicycles [edit ]
The city has 160 kilometer ( 99 security service ) of cycle paths that, wherever they exist, are very much preferable to riding in the city ‘s traffic. Most path run aboard beaches and extend intermittently from the Marina district attorney Glória, Centro, through Flamengo, Copacabana and Ipanema, to Barra district attorney Tijuca and Recreio suffice Bandeirantes. six kilometers ( 3.7 miles ) of cycle paths traverse the Tijuca National Park. [ 199 ] The Bike Rio began operations in October 2011. This bicycle sharing arrangement is sponsored by the municipal government of Rio de Janeiro in partnership with Banco Itaú. The motorcycle sharing system has 600 bicycles available at 60 rental stations in 14 neighborhoods throughout the city. [ 200 ] [ 201 ]
Communications [edit ]
The dial code for the city of Rio de Janeiro ( RJ ) is 21. [ 202 ]
International relations [edit ]
Twin towns – baby cities [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro is twinned with :
Partner cities [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro has the follow partner/friendship cities :
Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities [edit ]
Rio de Janeiro is a part of the Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities. [ 240 ]
In popular culture [edit ]
Movies [edit ]
literature [edit ]
television receiver [edit ]
- An episode of Littlest Pet Shop, “Plane it on Rio”, featured Blythe and the pets going to the Carnival, but an old enemy shows up, determined to defeat them.
Video games [edit ]
See besides [edit ]
References [edit ]
Read more: The MMS Institute Thailand