Biographical information
Political information
Allied Forces
United States
- Special agent
- Commando
Game information
- Red Alert 2
- Yuri’s Revenge
Kari Samantha Wührer
Internal name
Allied Forces
Reading: Command & Conquer Wiki
- Colt M1911 pistols
- AKM assault rifle (cutscenes only)
- C-4 plastic explosive charges
- Sports bra, camouflaged pants and military boots
- Coat (Operation Dark Night)
Tech level
Hit points
- 125 (RA2)
- 200 (YR)
Armor type
- $1000 (RA2)
- $1500 (YR)
Build time
- 0:40 (RA2)
- 1:00 (YR)
Produced by
Allied barracks
Allied battle lab
Ground attack
- 125 (vs. infantry) (HollowPoint or HollowPoint2 when elite)
- 2500 (vs. building and boat) (Mechanical)
- 125 (vs. infantry) (IFV) (HollowPoint3)
- 10 (RA2)
- 5 (YR)
- 20 (RA2)
- 10 (YR)
Land speed
- 5 (RA2)
- 6 (YR)
Sea speed
- 5 (RA2)
- 6 (YR)
Attack range
- 6
- 8 (when elite)
Sight range
- Uncrushable (YR only)
- Immune to mind control (YR only)
Elite upgrade
Increased strength, firepower, rate of fire, self-healing
Untrainable in the campaigns
Can be trained once per player in Yuri’s Revenge multiplayer
Yeah, baby!
– Tanya
Tanya was the codename of an Allied female commando who operated during the beginning and moment iterations of the Third World War. Her skills rival, if not better than those of the celebrated US Navy SEALs, and was equipped with dual pistols and C4. In summation, she was besides trained to swim long distances allowing her to plant the explosives on hulls of enemy ships. furthermore, she could self-heal at a boring rate ascribable to improved provisions. After the Soviet Union was defeated, she was trained to resist mind control in encase they had to combat it again. She besides was educate using her C4 charges on enemy ground vehicles, unlike Navy SEALs .
third World War, inaugural iteration
The Soviets performed a surprise invasion of the United States, leading to them overrunning Allied positions across the eastern coast. In this time of emergency, President Michael Dugan instituted the Lazarus Protocol and General Ben Carville promptly worked to defend against the enemy forces. limited Agent Tanya was assigned to work with one of the few Allied Commanders who were hush in service. At the time, the Soviets had made an invasion of New York and made a motion for Manhattan island, where Tanya entered the field to clear the sphere and re-establish communications with the Fort Bradley base. shortly thereafter, Tanya was relocated to Colorado Springs, reporting to General Carville that General Vladimir had taken the Air Force Academy there. Displeased with the pace at which she reported, Carville ordered the Commander to “ dig Tanya out of the hole she dug for herself ” and make her utilitarian – much to Tanya ‘s annoyance and before she could respond, the General cut the line. The Academy and its belong base were reclaimed and Soviets were driven out. once these victories were achieved, Tanya was called in during a video conference between the Allied Commander, President Dugan and the european Council about the hypothesis of an help box for the United States, in the shape of supplies and soldiers, following Vladimir ‘s nuclear hit on Chicago. Before this could be arranged, the European Council requested that Tanya destroys two nuclear missile silo on the german – polish margin. french general Réne Lyon was prepared to take command, but Tanya refused to follow orders from anyone other than the Commander, under the apologize that there was “ no meter to train [ Lyon ] ”. President Dugan reluctantly agreed, and Tanya succeeded in the mission. Tanya was later sent on an off-screen deputation by the time the Pentagon was retaken. After this was done, she was dispatched to the occupied St. Louis to destroy a psychic beacon that had enslaved the local population and reclaim the area from the Soviets. During the struggle for Moscow, Tanya personally infiltrated the Kremlin along with a team of GI ‘s in regulate to capture Alexander Romanov. After breaking through into his office, she discovered that his aides had attempted to dress up one of his underlings as the Premier in a weak try at evading appropriate. Tanya knocked out the imposter and discovered Romanov hiding under his desk in his underwear and vest. With his capture, Tanya posed long with her fellow soldiers for a word picture taken by the Westwood Journal, Timely magazine, Bunderswag newspaper and Bleakly cartridge holder which published articles about the end of Third World War, ridiculing Romanov. With the end of the dispute, Tanya met the Commander at an airbase where she informed him of the victory gala at the White House, to which they were both invited, and told him to take a shower .
third base World War, irregular iteration
After Yuri revealed himself right before his undertake at conquering the populace with his network of Psychic Dominators, Tanya was among the few who were unaffected by the initial shockwave, as the San Francisco area was supposed to be controlled by a Dominator that was rendered powerless after its nuclear reactor was damaged in an Allied publicize raid. She joined Eva Lee and Albert Einstein in the fourth dimension machine. After going back in time, she swam to Alcatraz island to destroy the Dominator while it was still under construction. Later during the battle, she assisted the Commander in rescuing Albert Einstein in Egypt. After Yuri ‘s kill, Tanya once again invited the Commander to the victory gala at the White House, but was interrupted by Lt. Eva who did the same, after which she complained to Einstein that the timeline was not set neat .
option destiny
the Soviet campaign of Yuri’s Revenge and might contradict The following is based onand might contradict canon
Read more: The MMS Institute Thailand
After Boris ‘s team destroyed the Psychic Beacon in London, Tanya joined them in the fight against Yuri .
Like her harbinger, Tanya was frequently ready to confront even high-level military and political leaders, once notably losing her temper at General Réne Lyon in front of President Dugan and the european Council. Tanya apparently had poor people relations with General Carville, though she regarded him a competent general and was on record for missing him during Operation Time Shift. initially, Tanya had small religion in the commander that she was assigned to and even lightly mocked him. however, after the first gear few missions under his command, she began to appreciate the Commander to the point that she refused to work under any early air force officer during Operation Dark Night. After the mission was completed, General Carville commented that he had never seen Tanya stick her neck out for anyone. When she was sent on another mission, she told the General to convey to the Commander her regards. late, during Operation Free Gateway, she expressed her concern over the effects the psychic beacon would have on her and her police squad, but assured the commander that she trusted his command. By the end of the Third World War, she developed a love sake for him .
She is equivalent to the Navy SEAL in terms of capability, able to immediately reduce groups of foe infantry with her double pistols. In Yuri’s Revenge, she differs greatly from Navy SEALs as she can put C4 even on any land vehicles and tanks in her reach alternatively of good ships and buildings. These feats require hazardous close encounters. Anti-surface ( specially anti-personnel ) foundation refutation structures can eliminate her ( although a individual Tesla coil bolt or Desolator ‘s stroke entirely drops her health level to critical condition preferably than killing her ). however, it will give Tanya a much needed Anti-Tank Capability if she very needs to engage vehicles, even able to instantaneously blow up Apocalypse tanks. When placed in an IFV, she can deploy a highly effective anti-personnel gun from inside the IFV ‘s turret. She can not be thinker controlled in Yuri’s Revenge. Her pistol is helpless against air targets but other than that, she can be a huge menace against anything on the ground when bequeath unchecked .
AI behavior
Tanya controlled by the AI have the follow fire patterns :
- 1x targeting the closest structure/defense
- 1x targeting the Allied/Soviet Construction Yard; loaded inside a NightHawk transport with 3 GIs and 1 Guardian GI
- The AI is not programmed to send this strike force against a Yuri Construction Yard
When created ( RA2 )
- (maniacal laughter)
When created ( YR )
- Let’s rock and roll!
When selected ( RA2 )
- Anytime, boss.
- You got an order?
- Where’s the party?
- Show me the way!
- How about some action?
When selected ( YR )
- What’s up?
- I’m the best there is.
- Untouchable!
- I hear ya!
- I’m so good!
When moving ( RA2 )
- I’m there.
- How ’bout a target?
- On my way.
- Movin’ out, boss.
- I’m on it.
- Shake it, baby!
When moving ( YR )
- Let’s go!
- Gotcha.
- Let’s get to it!
- Nothin’ to stop me!
When ordered to attack ( RA2 )
- Cha-ching!
- (maniacal laughter)
- Locked and loaded!
- Yeah, baby!
When ordered to attack ( YR )
- Bag ’em up!
- Yeehaw!
- (laughter)
- Another loser!
When suppressed ( YR )
- I’m hit!
- Just a scratch.
- That all you got?
- Hey hey, watch it!
When an enemy tries to mind-control her ( year )
- Mind control? Yeah, right.
- No one mind controls Tanya.
- Those psychic tricks don’t work on me.
- Must… resist!
- Get outta my brain!
Campaign quotes
Oh, she’s not kidding, commander. If we don’t move fast enough, we’ll all become slaves to Romanov and his slimeball Yuri. You hear what I’m saying? There is nothing worse for a soldier than to lose their mind. We’re trusting you.
– Tanya to the Commander prior to Operation: Free Gateway
One short swim to Alcatraz, and I’ll blow that psychic contraption sky-high!
– Tanya after Allied time travel
No fear, Tanya’s here!
– Tanya after being deployed in Egypt
No problem, I’m trained to resist mind control
– Tanya in Egypt
You know, it might be easier to sneak me across the river then to get an entire army over the bridge
– Tanya in Egypt
Catch you on the replay.
– Tanya breaking the fourth wall in the Allied ending of Yuri’s Revenge
the Soviet campaign of Yuri’s Revenge and might contradict The surveil is based onand might contradict canon
I never thought I’d say this to a commie, but, um… thanks.
– Tanya to the Soviet Commander during Operation: Brain Wash
– Tanya in Operation: Brain Wash (Yuri’s Revenge)
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes
Tanya with an AKM in the intro FMV before Allied mission 8
Tanya with a pair of SIG-Sauer P226s in the Allied ending FMV sequence
Tanya inviting the commanding officer to the victory gala
SHP fairy
Manual/website render
Concept Art
english, french, and german versions share the same cameo .
Behind the scenes – Kari Wührer
- In cutscenes, Tanya is sometimes seen with an AKM assault rifle that she never uses in-game.
- In the Allied ending cutscene of Red Alert 2, Tanya is seen holding two SIG-Sauer P226s when she and a team of Allied soldiers storm Premier Romanov’s office.
- In cutscenes, her sports bra is brown, but in-game it is remappable (player-coloured).
- In Operation Dark Night cutscenes, she is seen wearing a coat, but in-game she retains her standard camouflage pants and Allied blue bra.
- Like Yuri, a player can train infinite Tanya units in Red Alert 2 multiplayer. In Yuri’s Revenge, she was replaced in this role by the statistically similar Navy SEALs. Tanya still appears in YR, now with the role of the Allied hero unit. She now has a build limit of one (two with a cloning vat), as well as a 1.5 times higher cost and build time, but she is now superior to SEALs by being immune to mind control and able to instantly destroy a vehicle with C-4.
- She is the only unit in the Command & Conquer series to have two entirely different in-game voice sets in the expansion pack.
See besides
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