This article is about the animal. For other uses, see Newt ( disambiguation ) “ eft ” redirects here. For other uses, see EFT
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A newt is a salamander in the subfamily Pleurodelinae. The tellurian adolescent phase is called an eft. Unlike other members of the class Salamandridae, newt are semiaquatic, alternating between aquatic and mundane habitats. not all aquatic salamanders are considered newt, however. More than 100 known species of newts are found in North America, Europe, North Africa and Asia. Newts metamorphose through three discrete developmental life stages : aquatic larva, planetary adolescent ( eft ), and pornographic. Adult newt have lizard -like bodies and return to the water every class to breed, otherwise living in humid, cover-rich nation habitats. Newts are threatened by habitat passing, fragmentation and befoulment. several species are endangered, and at least one species, the Yunnan lake newt, has become extinct recently .
etymology [edit ]
The Old English name of the animal was efte, efeta ( of nameless origin ), resulting in Middle English eft ; this bible was transformed irregularly into euft, evete, or ewt(e). The initial “ n ” was added from the indefinite article “ an ” by provection ( juncture loss ) ( “ an eft ” → “ a n’eft ” → … ) by the early fifteenth century. [ 2 ] The kind “ newt ” appears to have arisen as a dialectal discrepancy of eft in Staffordshire, but entered Standard English by the early Modern period ( used by Shakespeare in Macbeth iv.1 ). [ 3 ] The regular class eft, nowadays alone used for newly metamorphosed specimens, survived aboard newt, particularly in musical composition, the larva being called “ water-eft ” and the mature human body “ land-eft ” well into the eighteenth century, but the simplex “ eft ” as equivalent to “ water-eft ” has been in practice since at least the seventeenth hundred. [ 4 ] dialectal English and Scots besides has the bible ask ( besides awsk, esk in Scots [ 5 ] ) used for both newts and wall lizards, from Old English āþexe, from Proto-Germanic *agiþahsijǭ, literally “ lizard-badger ” or “ distaff-like lounge lizard ” ( compare German Eidechse and Echse, both “ lounge lizard ; ” *agi- is ultimately blood relation with greek ὄφις “ snake, ” from Proto-Indo-European *h₁ogʷʰis [ 6 ] ). Latin had the mention stellio for a type of blemish newt, now used for species of the genus Stellagama. Ancient Greek had the name κορδύλος, presumably for the body of water newt ( young newt, eft ). [ 7 ] German has Molch, from Middle High German mol, wikt:olm, like the english term of unknown etymology. newt are besides known as Tritones ( namely, named for the fabulous Triton ) in historical literature, and “ triton ” remains in use as common name in some Romance languages, in Greek, in romanian, russian, and Bulgarian. The systematic name Tritones was introduced aboard Pleurodelinae by Tschudi in 1838, based on the character genus named Triton by Laurenti in 1768. Laurenti ‘s Triton was renamed to Triturus ( “ Triton-tail ” ) by Rafinesque in 1815. [ 8 ] Tschudi ‘s Pleurodelinae is based on the type genus Pleurodeles ( ribbed newt ) named by Michahelles in 1830 ( the name meaning “ having outstanding ridicule, ” formed from πλευρά “ ridicule ” and δῆλος “ conspicuous ” ) .
distribution and habitats [edit ]
Newts are found in North America, Europe, North Africa and Asia. The Pacific newt ( Taricha ) and the Eastern newt ( Notophthalmus ) with in concert seven species are the only representatives in North America, while most diverseness is found in the Old worldly concern : In Europe and the Middle East, the group ‘s probable beginning, eight genus with roughly 30 species are found, with the costate newt ( Pleurodeles ) extending to northernmost Africa. Eastern Asia, from Eastern India over Indochina to Japan, is base to five genus with more than 40 species. [ citation needed ] Newts are semiaquatic, spending part of the year in the water for reproduction and the stay of the year on state. While most species prefer stagnant water bodies such as ponds, ditches or flooded meadows for reproduction, some species such as the Danube crested newt can besides occur in slow-flowing rivers. The european digest newt ( Calotriton ) and european mountain newts ( Euproctus ) have even adapted to life in cold, oxygen-rich mountain streams. During their terrestrial phase, newt live in humid habitats with abundant cover such as logs, rocks, or earth holes. [ citation needed ]
eft (left) and as an adult during aquatic breeding season (right) The easterly newt as mundane ( left ) and as an adult during aquatic breed temper ( correctly )
Characteristics [edit ]
Newts share many of the characteristics of their poker kin, Caudata, including semipermeable glandular bark, four equal-sized limbs, and a clear-cut tail. The newt ‘s hide, however, is not ampere smooth as that of early salamanders. [ 9 ] The cells at the locate of an injury have the ability to un distinguish, reproduce quickly, and differentiate again to create a modern arm or electric organ. One hypothesis is that the undifferentiated cells are related to tumor cells, since chemicals that produce tumors in other animals will produce extra limbs in newt. [ 10 ]
Development [edit ]
The independent breed temper for newt ( in the Northern Hemisphere ) is in June and July. After courtship rituals of varying complexity, which take place in ponds or slow-moving streams, the male newt transfers a spermatophore, which is taken up by the female. Fertilized eggs are laid individually and are normally attached to aquatic plants. [ citation needed ] This distinguishes them from the free-floating eggs of frogs or toads, which are laid in clumps or in strings. Plant leaves are normally folded over and attached to the eggs to protect them. The larva, which resemble pisces fry but are distinguished by their feathery external gills, hatch out in about three weeks. After hatching, they eat alga, small invertebrates, or early amphibian larva. [ citation needed ] During the subsequent few months, the larva undergo metamorphosis, during which they develop legs, and the gills are absorbed and replaced by air-breathing lungs. [ 11 ] Some species, such as the north american newt, besides become more brilliantly colored during this phase. once amply metamorphosed, they leave the water and live a terrestrial life, when they are known as “ efts. ” [ 12 ] [ 13 ] alone when the eft reaches adulthood will the north american species return to live in body of water, rarely venturing back onto the kingdom. conversely, most european species live their adult lives on land and only visit water to breed. [ 14 ]
Triturus cristatus) Development in the northerly crested newt embryo in jelly ejection seat
Young larva
Larva shortly before metamorphosis
Terrestrial adolescent Newts lay their eggs on structures such as plants or stones under water. The larva first base develop fore- and by and by hindlimbs, and are strictly carnivorous. After metamorphosis, tellurian juveniles besides known as efts .
toxicity [edit ]
many newt produce toxins in their skin secretions as a defense mechanism against predators. Taricha newt of western North America are particularly toxic. The rough-skinned newt Taricha granulosa of the Pacific Northwest produces more than adequate tetrodotoxin to kill an adult human, and some native Americans of the Pacific Northwest used the toxin to poison their enemies. [ 15 ] however, the toxins are only dangerous if ingested or otherwise enter the body e.g. through a hoist. Newts can safely live in the same ponds or streams as frogs and other amphibians, or be kept as pets. The only predators of Taricha newts are garter snakes, some having developed a resistance to the toxin. Most newt can be safely handled, provided the toxins they produce are not ingested or allowed to come in liaison with mucous membranes or breaks in the bark. [ 15 ]
Systematics [edit ]
Newts form one of three subfamilies in the family Salamandridae, aside Salamandrinae and Salamandrininae. [ 16 ] They comprise most extant species in the syndicate, roughly 100, which are classified in sixteen genus : [ 17 ]
Read more: Khonkaen FC
- Calotriton
- Cynops (incl. Hypselotriton)
- Echinotriton
- Euproctus
- Ichthyosaura
- Laotriton
- Lissotriton
- Neurergus
- Notophthalmus
- Ommatotriton
- Pachytriton
- Paramesotriton
- Pleurodeles
- Taricha
- Triturus
- Tylototriton (incl. Liangshantriton)
Hypselotriton and Liangshantriton are regarded as disjoined genus by some authors, but this is not solid. [ 17 ] The term “ newt ” has traditionally been seen as an entirely functional term for salamanders living in water, and not a clade. phylogenetic analyses have however shown that species in the Salamandridae traditionally called newts do form a monophyletic group. [ 1 ] [ 16 ] [ 17 ] other, more distantly related salamander families besides contain in full or in separate aquatic species, such as the mole salamanders, the Proteidae, or the Sirenidae. phylogenetic analyses estimated the beginning of the newt subfamily in the Late Cretaceous to Eocene. [ 1 ] several fossil salamanders have besides been referred to the Pleurodelinae, including : [ 18 ]
Anatomy and physiology [edit ]
circulation [edit ]
The heart of newt, like that of most amphibians, consists of two atria and one ventricle. [ 19 ] Blood flows from the front tooth and later caval veins into the right atrium ; rake that entered the heart from the impart atrium is then expelled out of the ventricle. Newts do not have a coronary artery on the ventricle, ascribable to circulation that is found in the conus arteriosus. Newts contain a especial circulative adaptation that allows them to survive ventricular penetration : when a newt ‘s ventricle is punctured, the affection will divert the blood directly into an ascending aorta via a duct located between the ventricle and the conus arteriosus. Newts get down to regenerate the ventricle by a deepening of the epicardial layer that protrudes to allow the new vessels to form, and conclude with a positive feedback of the entire myocardial wall. [ 19 ] In early stages of development in amphibians, breathing device gas transport and hemoglobin accelerator transmit are independent mechanisms and not however coupled as they are in adulthood. [ 20 ] In juvenile amphibians, there is no cardiovascular response in conditions of hypoxia. [ 20 ] When newt are induced into anemia, they are able to respire without the motivation of blood cells. [ 21 ] In T. carnifex, around two weeks after anemia is induced, the newt produced a mass of cells that helps to revitalize the already circulating red lineage cell mass. [ 21 ]
breathing [edit ]
Adult crested newt ( Triturus cristus ) were found to breathe chiefly via the peel but besides through the lungs and the buccal pit. Lung breathe is chiefly used when there is a miss of oxygen in the water, or at high natural process such as during courtship, education, or feeding. [ 22 ] A form of compensatory respiration is the ability to release store erythrocytes when needed, for exemplar under hypoxia. [ 23 ] [ 24 ] Spleen size can increase as the temperature declines for adults – in larva, there is no dramatic change in spleen size. [ 25 ] During hibernation, an increase in liver pigment cells allows for memory of oxygen, vitamin a well as other important ions and spare radicals. [ 26 ]
Osmoregulation [edit ]
In experiments, dehydrated eastern newt were prone to a loss of motive control : After alone 22 % water system of weights loss, newt in the aquatic phase lost their ability to remain erect and mobile. however, after adaptation to a sublunar phase, they could lose 30 % before a personnel casualty of motor operate was recorded. Newts in the tellurian phase were found to dehydrate much quicker than newt in the aquatic phase, but conversely, during rehydration, dehydrated sublunar animals will go through water system gain 5x faster than dehydrated newt that are in the aquatic phase. [ 27 ] In the italian cap newt, it was shown that during winter months, prolactin is released into the circulative system, which drives the newt into the aquatic environment and reduces the active enchant of sodium ions. [ 28 ] In contrast to prolactin, which decreases osmotic permeability, vasotocin increases the permeability and is secreted during the summer months. [ 29 ] Arginine vasotocin not only increases cutaneous water system permeability, but promotes increased cutaneous blood flow. [ 30 ]
Thermoregulation [edit ]
Thermoregulation, in combination with seasonal acclimatization, describes the major mechanisms of how newt, as ectotherms cope with the changing temperatures existing in their environments. This regulation is most frequently achieved through behavioral thermoregulation. [ 31 ] They are thermoconformers, which means they will acclimate to their surrounding environmental temperatures. [ 31 ] When there is a large range of environmental temperatures, newts are insensitive to a thermal gradient profile. [ 32 ] To escape predators, newt larva have been found to shift their microhabitat to a temperature crop that exists outside the predator ‘s choose temperature range. [ 33 ] Larvae that are in the metamorphosizing phase tend to prefer warmer temperatures than those in the degree following metamorphosis. [ 33 ] Therefore, the larva in this phase will undergo a much more accurate thermoregulation process than those in the intermediate stage. [ 33 ] generative females of the italian crested newt were shown to regulate their body temperature more precisely and prefer higher temperatures than non-reproductive females and males. [ 34 ]
susceptibility to contamination [edit ]
Larvae, with their capital numeral of lamella in their gills, [ 35 ] are more susceptible to pollutants than adults. Cadmium, a clayey metallic element released into the environment from industrial and consumer waste, has been shown to be damaging to the italian crested newt even at a concentrations below italian and european thresholds, by disrupting the bodily process of the adrenal gland. [ 36 ] In experiments allowing italian crested newt to be exposed to nonylphenol, an hormone disruptor common in escape from sewers, there was a decrease in corticosterone and aldosterone, hormones produced by the adrenal gland and important for stress response. [ 37 ]
conservation condition [edit ]
Although some species, such as the rough-skinned newt ( Taricha granulosa ) in North America or the polish newt ( Lissotriton vulgaris ) in Europe, are however relatively common, populations of newts throughout their distribution range digest from habitat loss, atomization, and contamination. This affects particularly the aquatic breeding sites they depend on, but besides their land habitats. [ citation needed ] Several species, such as the Edough ribbed newt ( Pleurodeles poireti ), Kaiser ‘s spotted newt ( Neurergus kaiseri ), or the Montseny brook newt ( Calotriton arnoldi ) are considered threatened by the IUCN, and the Yunnan lake newt is an exemplar of a newt species that has gone extinct recently. [ 38 ] Some newt populations in Europe have decreased because of befoulment or end of their education sites and sublunar habitats, and countries such as the UK have taken steps to halt their declines. [ 39 ] [ 40 ] In the UK, they are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Habitat Regulations Act 1994. It is illegal to catch, possess, or handle big crested newt without a license, or to cause them harm or death, or to disturb their habitat in any way. The IUCN Red List categorises the species as ‘ lower risk ’ [ 14 ] [ 41 ] Although the other UK species, the politic newt and palmate newt are not listed, the sale of either species is prohibited under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. [ 42 ] In Europe, nine newt are listed as “ strictly protected fauna species ” under appendix II of the Convention on the Conservation of european Wildlife and Natural Habitats : [ 43 ]
The remaining european species are listed as “ protected fauna species ” under appendix III. [ 44 ]
As bioindicators [edit ]
Newts, as with salamanders in general and other amphibians, serve as bioindicators because of their thin, medium bark and attest of their bearing ( or absence ) can serve as an indicator of the health of the environment. Most species are highly sensitive to subtle changes in the ph tied of the streams and lakes where they live. Because their clamber is permeable to water system, they absorb oxygen and other substances they need through their clamber. Scientists study the constancy of the amphibian population when studying the body of water quality of a particular body of body of water. [ citation needed ]
As pets [edit ]
chinese verrucose newt, chinese fire belly newt, eastern newt, paddletail newt, japanese fire abdomen newt, Chuxiong fire-bellied newt, Triturus species, emperor newt, spanish ribbed newt ( leucistic genes exist ), and red-tailed knobby newt are some normally seen newt in the pet deal. Some newt rarely seen in the favored craft are rough-skinned newts, Kaiser ‘s spot newt, banded newt and yellow-spotted newt. [ original research? ]
References [edit ]
Data related to Pleurodelinae at Wikispecies